lunes, 30 de abril de 2018



La teoría de la radiación es la mas aceptada para este caso según mi opinión, y lo explicaré así:
El área fué irradiada con una frecuencia muy semejante al efecto que provoca el microhondas,de ahí a la extraña forma de escapar del interior de la tienda,rasgándolas como un medio de escapar a algo que ya les estaba provocando lesiones interiores que es lo que tratan de explicar algunos investigadores,las lesiones internas se pueden entender mejor por el efecto que el mismo horno de microhondas provoca en substancias orgánicas específicamente,se explica a su vez el hecho que no hubo rastros físicos de tal ataque y no lo habrá,ya que el barrido de esta frecuencia fue sobre su superficie.Es muy lamentable esta tragedia que las mismas autoridades no podrán dar como explicación a un fenómeno que escapa de los controles oficiales.

Pactos Con Incubos y Súcubos

domingo, 29 de abril de 2018

The Mystery Of Melchizedek

Dr. Wesley A. Swift
21st August 1966

Turn to the Book of Hebrews as this is where Paul talks about
Melchizedek. It is surprising that Christians know little about this one,
MELCHIZEDEK. This just shows you that very few people read the
Bible, and those that do never seem to get into the Book of Hebrews. In
fact you would be surprised how many Christians read John 3:16., and a
few other of the events that transpired in the ministry of Christ and then
set the book down and never open it again. We talked to a minister
sometime ago and when we talked about the Melchizedek ministry he
said: "What's that?".

Turn to the seventh chapter of Hebrews and we read: "For this
Melchizedek, King of Salem, Priest of THE MOST HIGH GOD, met
Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him. To
whom also Abraham gave a tenth part, first being by interpretation, King
of Righteousness and after that also King of Salem which is, King of

What do we know about this man and the Majesty of the Priesthood that
he carried? "Without father, without mother, without descent or pedigree,
nor end of life".

SIMPLE TRUTH _ Isaiah 41.10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee / Commun...

SIMPLE TRUTH - to the point single Bible verse teachings to edify your life in Christ Jesus.  Tonight Isaiah 41.10 w Communion Service at end.

HiFi Audio is posted to the Professor Truth Sound Cloud page “TruthwChrist”: 

Rev. 12:7...   And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.


sábado, 28 de abril de 2018


Acompaña a Mónica Gahbler y Alex Backman en éste interesante análisis del 1er Debate Presidencial donde los 5 candidatos se dieron con todo el pasado 22 de abril 2018.

Los brujos del poder

Desde Francisco I. Madero, hasta Vicente Fox, pasando por otras importantes figuras del mundo de la política, el espiritismo, el esoterismo, la adivinación y la brujería han rodeado al poder. Y las cosas no son muy distintas hoy.

El prestigiado reportero del semanario Proceso, José Gil Olmos, relata en sus investigaciones publicadas en sus dos obras con el mismo título "Los brujos del poder" 1 y 2 (Ed. Random House Mondadori, 2007 y 2009) las andanzas de los presidentes Madero, Calles y Alemán en el espiritismo, como la recurrencia a los brujos de Catemaco de José López Portillo, Miguel de la Madrid y Carlos Salinas de Gortari (con el vudú),

Asimismo, cita a ex gobernadores priistas como Mario Villanueva, Fidel Herrera (santería), Ulises Ruis, Roberto Madrazo y Beatriz Paredes, y a otras figuras como Francisco Barrio, Elías Ayub, Manuel Cavazos Lerma, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas y Genaro García Luna (este último encomendado al "Ángel de la Muerte", "un ángel negro que tiene en un altar en la privacidad de su oficina", asegura).

Destaca, de igual modo, el apoyo que doña Elba Esther Gordillo solicitó a un poderoso brujo negro de Africa para evadir la cárcel tras la llegada de Zedillo a Los Pinos y la ruptura de este con su antecesor Salinas, con el sacrificio de un León para que fuera poseída por el espíritu del animal (tras abrirlo en canal, sacarle las vísceras y untarlas en la maestra). Previamente la Sra. Gordillo, afecta a toda clase de rituales y prácticas, incluso la santería, mandó construir nichos en el Distrito Federal a la llamada "santa muerte" para su cuidado o protección.

Pero otro caso que llama mucho la atención y que revela no sólo la afinidad de miembros destacados del PRI con estas creencias y supersticiones, fue el caso de Vicente Fox y Marta Sahagún, donde la entonces "Primera Dama" (figura jurídica que no existe en México) era fanática a prácticas New Age (como "energías", "meditación", medicina alternativa, "chamanes", hinduismo, "ángeles zodiacales" y hasta brujería).

Gil Olmos confirma lo que otros reporteros -y aún este investigador- ya sabíamos de "Martita": el suministro de "vitaminas" (toloache) a Fox. (¿Para qué?) Lo anterior, como refiero en mi libro "Nueva Era vs. Buena Nueva", sin mencionar la contratación que hizo Sahagún de los servicios de Rebeca Moreno en la Presidencia de la República como Directora de Logística (dotada, a decir de ella, de ""poderes psíquicos, paranormales y astrológicos", y conocimientos en "ciencias ocultas"). A Moreno se le llegó a denominar, por ello, "la bruja oficial de Los Pinos".

En fin, las anécdotas abundan al respecto (y no sólo a nivel federal, sino estatal y municipal) como los señalamientos directos y rumores de involucramiento de funcionarios en el ocultismo y, aún, en el satanismo (nombres que tengo pero que no puedo revelar hasta confirmarlo). Lo cierto es que, hasta hoy, ningún actor político señalado por Olmos ha negado su información periodística ni tampoco lo han acusado legalmente por difamación.

Subyace una pregunta: ¿Alguno de los candidatos actuales a la Presidencia de México "ha sido seducido por el lado obscuro de la fuerza" (en términos de Star Wars)? La respuesta es sí: Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Gil Olmos habla de cómo el perredista en 2006 recibió en Catemaco una limpia-ritual del chamán "Lobo Negro" y recibió una "loción" de la chamana "Chabelita". Brujos y chamanes pronosticaron su triunfo sobre Calderón y Madrazo, en 2006. (Hoy no hay constancia de que siga consultando esas "fuerzas ocultas").

Por otra parte, el autor refiere en su libro 2 algo curioso: Una "profecía" desde 1942 según la cual uno de los miembros del llamado grupo Atlacomulco (que ha gobernado en la entidad durante más de 50 años) sería el próximo Presidente de la República. Señala que ese año la vidente de Atlacomulco, Estado de México, doña Francisca Castro Montiel, "reunió a los hombres más importantes del municipio y les dio a conocer la profecía que los marcaría por varias generaciones: "Seis gobernadores saldrán de este pueblo. Y de este grupo compacto uno llegará a la Presidencia de la República".

La historia indica que ni Hank, Baz, ni Jiménez Cantú, ni Del Mazo, ni Chuayffet ni Montiel lo consiguieron. ¿Será finalmente Enrique Peña Nieto quien haga 'válida' dicha predicción?

Yo quiero que el próximo Presidente de mi país sea un católico ejemplar, comprometido con México y con su fe en Cristo, no alguien que sea masón ni comulgue con ideas Nueva Era ni ocultistas. ¿Ustedes qué dicen?

"No ha de haber nadie en ti que haga pasar a su hijo, o a su hija por el fuego, que practique adivinación, astrología, hechicería o magia, ningún encantador ni consultor de espectros o adivinos, ni evocador de muertos. Porque todo el que hace estas cosas es una abominación para Yahvéh tu Dios; y por causa de estas abominaciones , desaloja Yahvéh, tu Dios, a esas naciones delante de ti. Has de ser íntegro con Yahvéh, tú Dios". (Sagrada biblia, en Deuteronomio 18, 9-14).


Cuando los seres humanos comenzaron a multiplicarse sobre la tierra y tuvieron hijas, 2 los hijos de Dios vieron que las hijas de los seres humanos eran hermosas. Entonces tomaron como mujeres a todas las que desearon. 3 Pero el Señor dijo: «Mi espíritu no permanecerá en el ser humano para siempre, porque no es más que un simple mortal; por eso vivirá solamente ciento veinte años».

4 Al unirse los hijos de Dios con las hijas de los seres humanos y tener hijos con ellas, nacieron gigantes, que fueron los famosos héroes de antaño. A partir de entonces hubo gigantes en la tierra.
Génesis 6

jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

Czech couple’s pictures and comments of Paris Today

It will only get worse over time for any European country that doesn't stop this insane immigration being pushed by the communist EU, and other Rothschild owned Bolshevik leaders such as Merkel and Macron!!!!   

It turns out that the second saying is now relevant in the literal sense: the modern capital of France is not similar to the one that is known to you .

"We went there not so long ago, just for the weekend. We bribed the price of tickets, unusually low, but we were not in Paris for more than 10 years. We decided to refresh impressions, again inhale the French romance. The fact that the lowest price for Air France had alerted us, but nothing like this. "

"The flight was fine, then we boarded a train that took us to the center, and it was there that we experienced the first shock: not only was the Northern station all littered with debris,  there was not a white Frenchman! It shocked us to the core. "

"Furthermore, we hastily settled near the Sacré Coeur, where the situation seems to have been even worse. When we went down into the subway to get to major attractions, then suddenly we found out that in the car me and my wife - only whites. It was Friday, about two o'clock in the afternoon! "

"At the Louvre, which is always full of onlookers and tourists, is now deserted, but around armed to the teeth patrols. These people look at you with suspicion and do not remove their finger from the trigger. And this is not ordinary police, but real soldiers in full dress! As it turned out, in Paris for almost a year living in a state of emergency ... "

"On the streets of migrants crowds, full of shops, whose owners are refugees. Where do so many of them come from? At the Eiffel Tower - one. Check out all but covered from head to toe Muslim. This selectivity of the French. Landmarks around the tower teeming with hucksters of the African, Arab gambler, beggars from all over the world and pickpockets. "

"It was a terrifying experience. I can imagine what's going on in Marseille and Calais where migrants are already de facto set their own rules. In France, a civil war is brewing, that's what I say. Therefore, I recommend not to go there - Farewell, beloved France! God forbid that we had something like this in the Czech Republic! "

This is the water flood after the woman with child (immigration/race mixing) spoken about in Rev 12…. Why?  Because the True Jacob Israel of YHVH has forgotten and rebelled against their Father…. It just gets worse from here… except for a very small remnant…. Professor Truth

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

The World in 2018: THE VIDEO THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE (Watch Now!)

Putin who prays to Jesus Christ, makes Megan Kelly look like the Trannie she is cloned from – an absolute moron….  I love when Putin says “Have you read the document yourself”…. That is what I keep telling all the fear porn miesters…. or Flat Earthers,,, have you read the real documents – which are classified, yourself!  NO. – have you been in space yourself?  NO…. DO you understand Spherical Geometry?  NO… and for the TRUE Christians (I realize that Eli n I agree 99.9% of Christians ARE NOT!!!)…. For that 1/100th of a percentile of Real Christians (among all those who say they are Christians)  – why are you afraid or worried…. Have you not read the Scriptures!!!   NO

This is an interview you will want to watch and share….

I normally do not get involved w Poly Tics (many bloodsuckers), but this interview is never shown on American News channels…. The only statement I disagree w is on the J Birds… but Putin likely said that for an intended purpose…. And in actuality, the “J’s” are the worker bees NOT the source… The Fallen Angels and council of 13 (counterfeit to the 13 Tribes) are REAL Nephilim and lucifer… that is who runs the show, under them (if you watched my TT3) is the Queen and Black Pope (you never see and who are not “J’s”)…. And yes then they control Freemasonry and the “J’s” …. 

But I agree w Putin, the “J’s” are 4-5 layers down from the top…. That is why I like to sat Serpent Seed or Devil Seed Progeny…. They come in many colors, names, cultures and places…. So I agree w Putin…

Putin and Hitler are/were Christians!   How come most do not know this! (see attachment).  The Swastika represents the Paleo Hebrew name for Yahweh YHVH, in Paleo Hebrew…. There certainly is a famine in the land for the TRUTH Word of God!

Amos 8:11   Behold, the days come, saith YHVH, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of YHVH/Christ Jesus: 12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the YHVH, and shall not find it. 

Professor Truth

domingo, 22 de abril de 2018

TT3_ YHVH DNA, "W" Special, Duty, Honor, Courage, Commitment, Sacrifice

TRUTH TALKS are Video Blogs by Professor Truth providing insights and wisdom which are relevant, foundational and based upon The Holy Spirit anointing/downloads, which I have been collecting over time. 

TRUTH TALKS are in depth studies and not intended for quick listening, but may take time to examine and learn.  ALWAYS pray before watching and AFTER!

THIS WEEK we will discuss Angelic DNA w YHVH Light congealing, a “special” on the Queen who runs planet Earth, a special with “W”, and the principles of Duty, Honor, Courage, Commitment and Sacrifice in a Biblical context.

HiFi Audio is posted to the Professor Truth Sound Cloud page: “TruthwChrist”:

Rev. 12:7...   And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

domingo, 8 de abril de 2018

The Ox-Man Cometh

SW-1B - Spiritual Warfare 101 with Dr. Preston Bailey and Professor Trut...

W-1B - Spiritual Warfare 101 with Dr. Preston Bailey and Professor Truth – pt2

This is a continuation of SW Episode 1 and gets deep so pray before watching.  Hope is given during and especially at the end.  In adition for the first time in recorded history, we have a demon admitting there was a Luciferian Rebellion and stating it regrets siding before TIME with Lucifer, a PRICLESS testimony that we all need to share with the lost world.  Lucifer is real, and Jesus Christ is real, and our Bible when properly translated is a Supernatural compendium written from outside Time-Space.

Spiritual Warfare is a Premier Show featuring Professor Truth and Dr. Preston Bailey.  YHVH/Jesus Christ has again sent His very best to Team ALPHA in these last times.  Dr. Preston Bailey fills position SEVEN on Team ALPHA.  Dr. Bailey joins YHVH’s best which has three of God’s best Pastors and four Godly teachers each with profound gifting/”Swim Lanes”.

Dr. Bailey is a True Bloodline Hebrew on assignment from the Most High God with expertise in true Spiritual Warfare.

Together in prayer and repentance and by the Blood of Jesus Christ we defeat the adversary by the Authority of Christ Jesus in us.  We claim our victory won at Calvary and the cross as God put aside his Glory and became a man (Phil 2.7), Jesus the Christ and died for the redemption of our sins.

HiFi Audio is posted to the Professor Truth Sound Cloud page: W-1B - Spiritual Warfare 101 with Dr. Preston Bailey and Professor Truth – pt2

This is a continuation of SW Episode 1 and gets deep so pray before watching.  Hope is given during and especially at the end.  In adition for the first time in recorded history, we have a demon admitting there was a Luciferian Rebellion and stating it regrets siding before TIME with Lucifer, a PRICLESS testimony that we all need to share with the lost world.  Lucifer is real, and Jesus Christ is real, and our Bible when properly translated is a Supernatural compendium written from outside Time-Space.

Spiritual Warfare is a Premier Show featuring Professor Truth and Dr. Preston Bailey.  YHVH/Jesus Christ has again sent His very best to Team ALPHA in these last times.  Dr. Preston Bailey fills position SEVEN on Team ALPHA.  Dr. Bailey joins YHVH’s best which has three of God’s best Pastors and four Godly teachers each with profound gifting/”Swim Lanes”.

Dr. Bailey is a True Bloodline Hebrew on assignment from the Most High God with expertise in true Spiritual Warfare.

Together in prayer and repentance and by the Blood of Jesus Christ we defeat the adversary by the Authority of Christ Jesus in us.  We claim our victory won at Calvary and the cross as God put aside his Glory and became a man (Phil 2.7), Jesus the Christ and died for the redemption of our sins.

HiFi Audio is posted to the Professor Truth Sound Cloud page: “TruthwChrist”:

Rev. 12:7...   And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

Rev. 12:7...   And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

Adolf Hitler and Barbara Specter - Multiculturalists

White Rabbit Radio originally produced the thought provoking video "Anti Racist Hitler" which put direct quotations from Barbara Specter, a Jewish advocate for European multiculturalism, in Hitler's mouth as he advocates multiculturalism for Israel. This version combines most of the White Rabbit video with Specter's actual interview, adding greater punch to the message. It has even more relevance now with the current wave of Syrian refugees arriving in Europe, fleeing the war that the US and Israel are using to destroy their country.

What is it! The truth about Nasim Najafi Aghdam

The price for eliminating men from the family!

Some good info from Mike Rowe:
 Rowe cited some statistics that show the disturbing result:

·         63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes – 5 times the average. (US Dept. Of Health/Census)

·         90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.

·         85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)

·         80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes – 14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)

·         71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)

·         43% of US children live without their father (US Department of Census)

·         Then he got to the real point:

“Is it really so surprising to learn that a majority of bullies also come from fatherless homes? As do a majority of school shooters? As do a majority of older male shooters?”

Basically, no one disputes the idea that violence is pretty much a male domain. According to the federal Bureau of Prisons, more than 90 percent of the U.S. prison population is male, and there’s a reason for that.

But what liberals dispute is the obvious: That a boy growing up in a home without a responsible man to teach him how to be a man is at much greater risk of never learning the lessons.

It’s not an epidemic of racism that’s really hurting the country, or sexism, or some phantom “anti-Semitism” liberals keep claiming to find among supporters of President Donald Trump.

It’s the rampant lack of responsible fathers that’s really making America sick.

Yes the man is the Spiritual Covering (when walking righteously before God!)…. Remove the man and activate the curse of Genesis on the women and you get what we have….  Basically remove the Holy Spirit -  Now for the few exceptions where the women are doing their best to be a Proverbs 31 woman and in prayer and repentance… Father will honor that… but you/they are like 1 in 1000 or less according to King Solomon…
The Professor

but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found

Eccl. 7:23   All this have I proved by wisdom: I said, I will be wise; but it was far from me. 24 That which is far off, and exceeding deep, who can find it out? 25 I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness: 26 And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. 27 Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account: 28 Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found. 29 Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018


Another one of these blokes who never gets put on mainstream TV.  I wonder why??  Barrie Trower speaks about how they're killing us softly.  Note.  I say before bed because you are not using the wifi.  It's helpful while awake.  If you can remove all wifi then great, but if you cannot, at least turn it off before bed so it's not killing you while you sleep.

Ex Miembro de los Illuminati Dice Toda la Verdad

lunes, 2 de abril de 2018


Christianity Discriminates

by Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet

Part of the campaign of brainwashing to which the American public is being subjected is a huge and well financed effort to make us believe that all discrimination is bad. Those of us whose memory reaches back 40 years or more, will recall that the ability to discriminate between things of different value or utility, was then recognized as a most essential part of intelligence.  Those too dull to see differences where they exist were considered stupid.  How does it happen that the subsidized press, radio and television commentators now so bitterly denounce all who can discriminate?  They even try to make us believe that discrimination is not Christian!  Since all of the devil's doctrines are now being preached under the false pretense of "Christianity", let us examine the only source from which we can determine God's position on the subject of discrimination.

From beginning to end, the Bible is a book of discrimination, discrimination by God Himself and discrimination which God commanded us to make.  We find the first record of God's discrimination in Genesis 4:3-5, where we read, "And in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord.  And Abel also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.  And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: but unto Cain and to his offering He had not respect".  What is this?

But that is only the beginning.  In Genesis 5:3-4, it describes Adam's family, yet it mentions by name only one of his children Seth, and barely notices the existence of the others.  Discrimination?  Yes, indeed!  Right on down through verse 31, this chapter notes the existence of each succeeding generation, yet approves only one in each generation by giving his name.

50 Years Later: Why Do They Still Riot?

This year is the 50th anniversary of the famous Kerner Commission Report that blamed white racism for the race riots of 1967. Why do we still have race riots? White racism? Jared Taylor of American Renaissance describes why that explanation is wrong, and why we will never solve the race problem until we understand race.

SW-1 - Spiritual Warfare 101 with Dr. Preston Bailey and Professor Truth...

Rev. 12:7...   And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

Spiritual Warfare is a NEW Show featuring Professor Truth and Dr. Preston Bailey.  YHVH/Jesus Christ has again sent His very best to Team ALPHA in these last times.  Dr. Preston Bailey fills position SEVEN.  Dr. Bailey joins YHVH’s best Team ALPHA which has three of God’s best Pastors and four Godly teachers each with profound gifting.

Dr. Bailey is a True Bloodline Hebrew on assignment from the Most High God with expertise in true Spiritual Warfare.

Together in prayer and repentance and by the Blood of Jesus Christ we defeat the adversary by the Authority of Christ Jesus in us.  We claim our victory won at Calvary and the cross as God put aside his Glory and became a man, Jesus Christ and died for the redemption of our sins.

HiFi Audio is posted to the Professor Truth Sound Cloud page: “TruthwChrist”:

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