miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2019


(CRNEWS FEB 16 2019) Straight outta communist playbook, the Caravanas from Havan are still rolling into good ol' Mexico. Stop! They are being denied entry at the Chiapas border. Maybe the newly-formed socialist government realized that 10K per day, after a month or so, makes three-hundred thousand 'legals'. Alex Backman explains what February brought us and what we can expect. 

Also, the Maduro tyrannical dictatorship in Venezuela is close to achieving what Stalin and Ceausescu did in Eastern Europe, kill off its citizens through mass starvation and disease, while at the same committing economic sabotage and becoming filthy rich, richer than El Chapo even! Juan Guaidó is in exile in Colombia and met with VP Pence and other dignitaries from the Grupo Lima to hash up a plan to take Maduro and his circle of narco strongmen out from power and send a strong message to any and all socialist dictatorships in Latin America, NO MORE HAVANAs and stop the CARAVANAs!

martes, 26 de febrero de 2019

#DDC / Asesinan a opositor de AMLO


Mi postura sobre lo que acontece en Venezuela

No te dejes llevar por la mentira ni por la manipulación emocional de los medios de la colmena mediatica. Obedece a la verdad y no a la hechicería de los magos de Magog.

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2019

Debate de ateo vs cristiano (film Dios no esta muerto)

ST22 _ Sacred Name _ Divorce & Remarriage (Rom 8.1) _ SPECIAL EDITION

ST22 is a SPECIAL EDITION to address a recent issue in the CI community of Sacred Name as well as Divorce and Remarriage in the NEW Covenant (Gal 3). The issue is legalism or love, Law or Grace, Jews or Jesus! Brother John in his natural way reminds us that - 

Rom. 8:1   There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 

Rev. 12:7... And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

Soundcloud mp3:

Rom. 8:1   There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,
who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus

hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Reprimen a Estudiantes Por Termoeléctrica en Cuernavaca - Beto Alfa Noti...

Ciudadanos Dicen NO a Termoeléctrica . Exigen a AMLO que cumpla

sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019

Maduro Masacra a su Pueblo para No Entregar el Poder

SN1 _ Sacred Name or Witchcraft

Jesus Christ is "THE NAME" and God incarnate, even the demons KNOW this! _ ... anything else is witchcraft... and Serpent Seed Babylonian Leaven of the Pharisees...

Rev. 12:7... And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

Soundcloud mp3:

What's New About The New Covenant

Chiapanecos Exigen No más Migrantes y Más Seguridad Hoy - Beto Alfa Noti...


MALO (AMLO)y su Perfil Narcisista y Psicopático 01

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019

I Saw JESUS and was too AFRAID to....

TT-19 _ Son's of God - Fence Sitters - Genesis 1.26 - Angelfall - Sacred...

TT19 _ Addresses the Son's of God both Elohim and angels of promise as well as the concepts of the "fence sitters". Deep dive into Genesis 1.26 and Genesis 2.7 showing the difference between Elohim in G1.26 and YHWH in G2.7 and the TWO "creation" events of different "vessels" for incarnated "soul-kinds". The name Jesus Christ is the name at which every knee shall bow. Rev. 12:7... And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.


martes, 19 de febrero de 2019

6 Señales Contundentes de que Donald Trump es Usado por Dios

AI-6 _ ANGLO ISRAEL _ You are Gods

Brother David's main point of doing these videos is that in Luke 24:44, Christ stated that he taught the Apostles everything about himself written in the books of Moses, the Prophets & Psalms. That's why there's 300 quotes to the OT from the NT & there's 1000's of cross days Christ was on earth, He spent them teaching all the Prophecies of His references to the OT from the NT in your cross reference Bible. In the last 40
teach the Apostles as applying to himself? What about the Isaiah 49:6 prophecy return! So then, ask your Pastor what verses starting in Genesis did Christ quoted in John 11:46-54? That's Christ redeeming the 12 Tribes in the End Times.

You don't quote a prophecy that applies to some future event if the prophecy has already happened! But start in Genesis as Christ does teaching about prophecy about the second coming from the OT & we're pointing out those Himself. So Christ spent about 300 hours teaching the Apostles & Disciples between the Old & New Testaments which I'm using in my videos to show the Prophecies. I've spent at least 8000 hours so far looking up cross references Christian Israel people how to determine the proper context of what Christ this, or if they do, they're applying those Prophecies to the wrong group of taught in scripture.

The Christians sitting in church today barely know any of people. These study charts on my site will show the progression of the knowledge of Christ from Genesis to Revelation spoken specifically to Abraham's Kingdom the best we can until Christ returns. I'm sorry to say it looks like Posterity known today as the 'Two Witnesses' in Rev chapter 11 or 'Crown of 12 Stars' in chapter 12 & 'Two Lamb Kingdoms' in chapter 13, etc. The whole point of being Salt & Light was to maintain teaching the Gospel of the that ship has sailed. We're electing criminal cabals to be our leaders instead involvement of Christian people to maintain a righteous gov. I teach that we're
of teaching our children in Church the Biblical concepts of maintaining a proper Justice System based on God's Law. Then we were to elect the best of these men to available offices so we have the Godly based gov mentioned in Romans Chapter 13. Justice doesn't just happen. It takes the consistent 2 years into the 7 year tribulation period which I think would of started
around Sept-Dec 2017.

JackKruse.com Nourish Vermont 2018

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2019

TT18 Divorce & Re-Marriage _ Love Wins!

John 8:4  They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? Should she have been stoned? The legalists say yes! but Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe said No.... should we listen to today's Legalists! .... This teaching is on Divorce and Remarriage in the New Testament... it shows that while there are LEGAL issues, Love prevails and is missed by all who remain legalists and lack compassion...

Lo Último que Dijo Trump, sobre el Aborto ha Impactado al Mundo

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019

⚠️ Caravanas Migrantes son Planificadas, No Espontáneas: Ministro de Int...

El jefe de inteligencia guatemalteco, Mario Duarte, dijo durante una visita a Washington el martes que las caravanas de migrantes que se dirigen a la frontera sur de los EE. UU. Están "bien planificadas" y "bien organizadas" por aquellos que desean "armar a los necesitados". “Esto no fue un evento espontáneo. Estaba bien planeado. Estuvo bien organizado ", dijo Duarte, jefe de la Secretaría de Inteligencia Estratégica de Guatemala, en un evento organizado por el Centro para una Sociedad de Seguridad Libre en el Club Nacional de Prensa. Dijo que diferentes agencias de inteligencia, policiales y militares encontraron evidencia de que la caravana de octubre desde Honduras a los EE. UU., Que en un momento contuvo a unos 40,000 migrantes, se organizó de antemano.

Mensaje de alcalde de Piedras Negras con motivo de los desordenes de la caravana migrantes


martes, 12 de febrero de 2019


Como lo dice el título de esta serie de investigación para el Reporte Solar Sísmico y Volcánico y Conciencia Radio, periodismo e investigación, , “Los Animales Saben”, hay un conocimiento y percepción extrasensorial de los habitantes del reino animal en donde, cómo veremos más adelante, les permite adelantarse a un desastre natural inminente, principalmente, los terremotos. En esta introducción Alex Backman explora el trabajo de Helmut Tributsch, un científico italiano que investigó a fondo el fenómeno de predicción sísmica por parte de los animales después de sufrir directamente los estragos de un terremoto en Friuli Italia en Mayo 6, 1976.

MÉXICO: UNA CATÁSTROFE ANUNCIADA • Alex Backman entrevista a ‘Cristina’,...

(CRN FEB 12, 2019) La señales precursoras de un gran terremoto en México ya se están presentando. Además, extraños sonidos están siendo reportados y filmados en los cielos de Puebla y la Ciudad de México. Presentamos la entrevista que Alex Backman sostuvo con ‘Cristina’, una mujer de Oaxaca México quien decidió contactar el Reporte Solar Sísmico y Volcánico con información importante y que se puede catalogar como ‘una catástrofe anunciada’ para 9 estados de la República incluyendo el Valle de México, Puebla, Oaxaca y Chiapas.

ST21_World, Flesh, Devil _ Eph 2.2-3

¡Eso no es gobernar, es demogogia! | Angel Verdugo

#AMLO y sus pejendejadas. Arranca COCHINOMETRO

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2019

Google cambia Algoritmo & Maduro se Queda Solo

Google acaba de cambiar la forma en que los buscadores como Google y Youtube indexan los contenidos. Todos los canales de prensa alternativa y aquellos considerados "Teorías de la Conspiración" están siendo invisibilizados. Necesitamos tu apoyo mas que nunca...!


Impresionante Llegada De Migrantes a Coahuila como Rockstar - Beto Alfa Noticias

Gobierno Organiza Fiesta a Migrantes en Coahuila - Beto Alfa Noticias

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