Blog elaborado para quienes buscan la verdad. Para encontrar las preguntas eternas, quienes somos? porqué estamos aquí?
Preexistencia, predestinación. Exopolitica.
Rev. 12:7... And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought
against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not;
neither was their place found any more in heaven.
Pastor Eli James w Professor Truth - 4th of July -
Q: Question - can anyone outside the 12 tribes of
Israel be saved by what Yeshua did on the cross? Thank you in advance.
A: The answer is YES but the correct word is
Redeemed if you mean eternal restoration. I Teach CI "Plus" which is
NOT Universalism. In Gen 1.26 the Elohim MADE "fit extensions"
bodies/temples for their KIND. The word is Adam and means shows blood in the face.
BUT the LIFE or Spirit is only suitable with it's KIND, that is why RH+ and RH-
do not produce a living child without a Doctors intervention.
Here is the confusion, people do not understand the
difference between blood TYPE (O-, A+ etc) and blood KIND (God Code Life).
These Pre G2.7 Adam Kinds then bred into the populations and since not a drop
of the Mother's blood passes through the fetus, but the fetus get's it's blood
KIND from the Father, then over time we have a world (Pre Ha Adam) with bodies
suitable to host the angel souls, This is taught on LATER, in G2.7 Father
Yahweh FORMED from the dust (elements) and breathed His Own LIVING SPIRIT.
These are the Ha Adam that CI is teaching. CI teaches about two of the four
KINDS, basically Genesis 3.15 literally - and I agree 100%. They pretty much
ignore the vessels of common use Scripture discusses in Rom 9.21, 2Tim 2.20.
Angelfall lumps all three vessels in these verses into one group and just makes
a cursory claim, not everyone makes it. There were 4 rivers out of Eden these
are your 4 root "races" by Blood KIND. The "Edomite race are
Alien Hybrids and their offspring - also in all nations by Paternal lineage are
the Tares.
Pure CI only addresses the Vessels of honor (Israel
- the 13 Tribes) and the Tares... The majority on this planet do not fit into
these groups and would be called in Gen 1.24/25 "Beasts of the Field) also
referenced in Joel. Well Rev 12 There was War in heaven produced a lot of
POW's, and not all were ring leaders, some just doing their job or fence
sitters. God allows these "angels" (not Ha Adam), to have parole
opportunity into a fit extension - the Adam KIND mixed into all nations. NOW
one would need to be not infected by the Serpent Seed. In other words these
adamites of G1.26 could not marry a serpent seed pre-Ha Adam woman. So in
actuality there are likely over the 7 ages of time just enough containers for
the number of angels God will have mercy upon. The MAJORITY of hue-mans (men of
color) are NOT anything more than "Beasts of the Field" and not a
suitable fit extension for any Spirit from above. This concept is in the Gospel
of John, Born from above or born from below.
For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you
upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that
maketh an atonement for the soul.
Este es un resumen del canal del investigador y
youtuber estadounidense John Ploskina. El autor ha resumido una parte
importante de lo que la comunidad de investigadores civiles sabe hasta ahora
sobre la red de pedofilia mantenida por de la élite del partido demócrata.
También nos habla del reciente caso del TwitterGate, un escándalo ocultado por
la prensa en el que Twitter se ha exhibido protegiendo a sus propios pedófilos
al intentar cubrir a sus socios demócratas. Además, lo que se sabe sobre
Assange y la vinculación al caso McCann.
Advertencia: David Icke nunca menciona el nombre Jesús
Cristo. Al final de éste magnífico vídeo afirma que solo unos pocos de la raza reptiliana son malos,
que el resto quieren ayudar. FALSO!
Reptilianos son
ángeles caídos. primera generación de Híbridos Nefilimm, TODOS sin excepción nos odian y odian a Jesús. Muchos de ellos son los primeros ministros, jefes de estado, reyes y reinas, príncipes...ellos caminan entre nosotros.
Por eso lo dejan hablar, a David Icke, porque él forma parte del gran engaño también.
There are increasing indications that Planet X, also known as Nibiru is
moving in a precise direction towards planet Earth.
The approach of the mysterious Planet Nibiru is at present
sending waves of charged “plasmatic energy particles” through our solar system.
The flow of energy will finally affect the “core flows” of the Earth and result
in catastrophic changes in Earth’s climate.
``No os haréis ídolos, ni os levantaréis imagen
tallada ni pilaressagrados , ni pondréis en vuestra tierra
piedra grabada para inclinaros ante ella; porque yo soy el SEÑOR vuestro Dios.
Los medios liberales intentan mostrar a los
blancos como demonios, y como la realidad contradice su relato se dedican a
desinformar, a inventar historias por completo y a ocultar lo que realmente
ocurre. Mientras ellos lo ocultan, toda la comunidad conservadora ha condenado
el hecho. Aquí nuestros hermanos infoguerreros nos dan su testimonio.
Liberal media refuse
to cover racist anti-white torture
Liberal media try to
show the whites as demons, and as reality contradicts their story they are
devoted to misinformation, to inventing stories completely and to hide what
really happens. While they hide it, the whole conservative community has
condemned the fact. Here our brothers infoguerreros give us their testimony.
Montando a la Cabra : Una investigacion de Zona de Conspiración sobre un oscuro y secreto ritual usado por la Hermandad Illuminati
para iniciarse ante el demonio, con un artefacto propiedad del mago David
20 Y la bestia fue apresada, y con ella el falso
profeta que había hecho delante de ella las señales con las cuales había
engañado a los que recibieron la marca de la bestia, y habían adorado su imagen.Estos dos fueron lanzados vivos
dentro de un lago de fuego que arde con azufre.
The ONLY Bible Study on the
Planet that is pure Bible Study
and is NOT adulterated by
man’s opinions and satan’s lying scribes…
Titus 1:10 For there are many
unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:11Whose mouths must be stopped, who
subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s
sake.12One of themselves,evena prophet of their own, said, The
Cretiansarealway liars, evil beasts, slow
bellies.13This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke
them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
14Not giving heed toJewish fables,
and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.15Unto the pure all thingsarepure: but unto them that are defiled
and unbelievingisnothing pure; but even their mind and
conscience is defiled.16They profess that they know God; but
in works they denyhim,
being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
9 Yo conozco tus obras, y tu tribulación, y tu
pobreza (pero tú eres rico), y la blasfemia de los que se dicen ser judíos, y
no lo son, sino sinagoga de Satanás.
Apocalipsis 2:9
9 He aquí, yo entrego de la sinagoga de Satanás a
los que se dicen ser judíos y no lo son, sino que mienten; he aquí, yo haré que
vengan y se postren a tus pies,y reconozcan que yo te he amado.
Mientras miles morían de inanición en Haití,
los Clinton ganaban literalmente cientos de millones robándole a los más
desfavorecidos, golpeados por un terremoto. Este video, correspondiente a
""Hillary's America" (en exclusiva en español por Infoguerreros)
resume gran parte de la vida criminal de los Clinton en menos de 20 minutos.
Una proeza, obra del investigador indo-americano Dinesh D'Souza.
Bilingual vídeo
Fundado a partir de los restos del Ku Klux
Klan, el Partido Demócrata tienen una rica historia de crimen contra la
humanidad. Pero pocas de sus fechorías son tan descaradamente promocionadas en
la actualidad como aquella personificada por otra institución infame
progresista: Planned Parenthood.
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the
last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised
incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1 Corinthians 15:52
La providencia parece alinearse con el
presidente electo Trump, en quien tenemos puestas nuestras esperanzas de paz y
progreso. Hermoso mensaje del obispo Marshall McGill y el discurso inaugural
del presidente Trump sobre el final.
Vimos allí también a los gigantes (los hijos de
Anac son parte de {la raza de} los gigantes); y a nosotros nos pareció que
éramos como langostas; y así parecíamos ante sus ojos.
Números 13:33
¡Las puertas del infierno se han abierto de par
en par!. Steve Quayle analiza el resurgimiento del caníbalismo Illuminati
Satánico, el cual viene de los rafaim, los gigantes, hijos de los Nefilim, cuyo
sadismo y brutalidad son la estampa de los ángeles caídos, costumbres nodales
en el mundo de Satán. Hoy en día, la jerarquía Illuminati coloca al canibalismo
en los encabezados de todo el mundo.
This video is not
politically correct, but it is true. People can choose to live in Disneyland or
to know TRUTH.
I chose one of the
comments in this video, because it says everything and I agree:
“Marxist Feminist school teachers penetrated American public school
systems in the 60's and have been teaching re-written history, and anti-white
philosophical perspectives ever since. Feminism itself is not an authentic
women's movement, it is Marxism. So Millennials nowadays hate their country,
hate whites, and hate men…”
Trump está en lo correcto! Donald Trump is correct!!
Radical musulmán londinense toma automóvil y atropella a policías
y civiles. Entre ellos tres niños franceses, en el corazón de Londres, ataca el
parlamento matando un policía, niños franceses atropellados. Todo en el
aniversario 1ro del atentado del
22/3/2016 en el aeropuerto de Bruselas y en la estación del metro de Maalbeck.
"¡Cuán terribles son las maldiciones que
el mahometanismo pone sobre sus devotos! Además del frenesí fanático, que es
tan peligroso en un hombre como la hidrofobia en un perro, existe esta
aterradora apatía fatalista. Los efectos son evidentes en muchos países. Los
hábitos improductivos, los sistemas descuidados de la agricultura, los métodos
lentos del comercio, y la inseguridad de la característica existen dondequiera
que los seguidores del profeta gobiernan o viven. Un sensualismo degradado
priva a esta vida de su gracia y refinamiento; El siguiente de su dignidad y
santidad ". Winston Churchill
archeologist, Egyptologist, linguist, and university professor E. Raymond CAPT
makes a brilliant exposé on the origins of the European Peoples and Nations,
their common Scythian/Caucasian ancestors, and link them to the Adamic Aryan
Race, the ancient Hebrews later named "Israel".
Jesus is absolutely clear that the Covenants are made
exclusively to the flesh and blood people of Israel (Matt. 13:10-17; 15:24).
And the Bible is absolutely clear that Edomites do not get saved, as they
are the children of their father the devil, and they will be burned to crisp,
not saved (Matt. 13:34-43).. These are flesh and blood issues. I am
afraid that anyone who denies this does not understand the Bible and is liable
to the same punishment as the tares.
Instigada por la prensa, decenas de movimientos
coordinados por la ONG MoveOn, organización controlada por el billonario George
Soros (y responsable de la revuelta pro UE en Ucrania) movilizaron a sus
manifestantes en las calles encabezados por punteros políticos y capitalizados
por pandillas que aprovecharon la ocasión para atacar opositores políticos y
saquear comercios, respectivamente. La prensa, como siempre, calla una parte de
la realidad y manipula hasta el extremo de lo increíble la otra, dando por
resultado los titulares del segundo fin de semana de Noviembre.
Importados por la OTAN para inflar los votos de
sus debilitadas tiranías, sólo en las últimas semanas los llamados
"refugiados" (supuestamente sirios, lo que ha sido desmentido) han
provocado cientos de horrendas violaciones y crueles asesinatos que la prensa
se ha negado tratar simplemente porque temen perder sus votos para el año que
entra. Los globalistas son monstruos y están dispuestos a todo, como lo
demuestra Alemania, el experimento de Europa.
De la mano de una ex-militante de la
organización terrorista Hamas, el feminismo radical sella su infame alianza con
el islamismo anti-cristiano y anti-occidental.
(Bilingual vídeo) Druid priests
performed bloody and dark rituals, our sources are Manly P. Hall, Fritz
Springmeier and the former Mk Ultra Cisco Wheeler.
David Rockefeller died
on March 20, 2017, the illuminati leader was sacrificed on the day of the
Spring Equinox, which in the Druidic tradition corresponds to Ostara, which
relates to rituals and daytime festivals, In the book of “Eight Sabbaths for
Witches"- Ostara's Festibal is characterized as the meeting of God with
his consort, lover and son, who spent the winter months in death. Other
variations include the young god gaining strength after his birth on Yule and
the goddess returning to her maiden appearance. It is no coincidence that
Rockefeller has died on this very important date and sacrificed in a Druid feast and possibly
his corpse will be prepared for a great ritual of rebirth (cannibalism) to pass
his power to the next Illuminati line and to live again…
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:
them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one
fold, and one shepherd
I once thought this was “the others” with the blood
of Adam UNTIL I met Eli and Joel. Joel is a man of humble heart and just
kept saying there were the Elohim and everyone else. Later at dinner Joel
took a napkin and folded it into “folds”.
Since then Eli taught me the two stick prophecy
(Ezekiel 37.16). Along with Jer 31.31.
Here we have those Jesus was speaking to – the
Sheep of Israel living in Judea, and the majority of the Isaac Son’s DISPERSED
in many nations. TWO FOLDS. You can also think of this as the
division between the Northern house “ISRAEL” and the southern house (Judah and
Benjamin). In Either case – I am now certain this is what Jesus was
talking about.
Having said that the one leg a few of the “others”
have to stand on is called the “Broken Cistern”. Here we have Male
Adamites mixing in w other nations. The offspring (at least first
generation – Bible says could go 10 generations (Deut 23.2) would have the
BLOOD of Adam. I call these “Wild” olive branches. WILD by
Phenotype, Natural by BLOOD KIND. It is my contention God places a
few of the less rebellious angel souls into these Temples.
– The one question that I get stumped on is the 6
days of creation. And evening and morning were the first day…
I have a way w Quantum Physics to explain this and I KNOW day meant Yom or Age,
but it is hard to debate.
The professor
Pastor Eli James´s answer.
To get a complete
understanding of Genesis 1, we have to start with the concept of Yowm,
the Hebrew word translated as “day” in Genesis 1. It is true that this
word is usually meant to designate a 24-hour day, but this is
not always the case. We find that, in Scripture, the Hebrew word yowm has
exactly the same range of meanings as the English word day has.
The meanings of both words range from a 24-hour day to an unspecified length of
great age, as represented by the English words, eon and era.
While it is often difficult for the amateur to recognize the origin of English
words from the Hebrew mother tongue because the two languages seem to be so
different. However, the connection between aeon or eon and yom (Strong's yowm)
is not so difficult to understand since the sounds are very similar. Therefore,
the translation of yowm in the Genesis 1 passages to aeon is also a good
choice. We did not use this choice in the body of our discussion since eon or
aeon do not appear in the King James Versions and Strong's. - “The Days of
The quoted article cites a wealth of Scripture which backs up the fact that the
Hebrew word yowm cannot be arbitrarily assumed to mean a 24
hour-day. But this is what the Creationists do, without any
justification. Assertions are not facts. Creationism is based
on numerous false assumptions about Scripture, all of which conflict with
natural history. The reason they conflict with natural history is because
these creationists do not care to consider the alternative meanings of the
relevant Hebrew words. Their refusal to consider these alternative meanings
proves that they are only interested in promoting a particular dogma.
There is simply no doubt that, when we speak of “days” in Genesis 1, we are
speaking of eons, not literal 24-hour days, especially since G1 does
not record the sun and stars appearing in the sky until the fourth day.
Concerning the first three “days” of G1, how can anyone speak of a
literal 24-hour day when there is literally no sunlight?
The root meaning of the word yowm is “to be hot,”
meaning the heat of the day caused by sunlight. The more we consider the
meanings of the Hebrew words, the more we realize that the creationist
interpretation is contradicted by the Hebrew.
Bible skeptics have asked the question: “How can there be an evening and a
morning if there is no sun to set and rise?” Good question!!
The fact is that, since it was discovered that the earth goes around the sun,
not vice versa, many theologians have argued that the days of Genesis 1 are not
The fact is that the KJV
was translated by scholars who had little or no scientific knowledge. It
follows that any passages of Scripture that deal with natural history could not
possibly be translated by them, except from the perspective of 17th Century
knowledge. Likewise, the KJV translators were very poor at understanding
the Hebrew idioms that cannot be translated literally. I have
demonstrated this fact in my book, The Great Impersonation, and in
many other writings.
The next author makes the point, which I have often enunciated, that the
translator’s first job is to translate, not EDITORIALIZE or interpret.
Regarding the poor quality of the KJV translation, this author states,
English is not so good, if it gives us only an approximation to the original
(and that not a close one), as a rougher and less polished English,
which gives the original as nearly as possible as it stands. Moreover, the
change in the mode of presenting the matter to be communicated is a serious
change, and without warrant.
When I read from Genesis i.
to ii. 3 in the English Bible, I am as one listening to a narration; when I
read the same portion in Hebrew, I am as one in the presence of God, the living
God in action…
Our authorized version, with its many words which have changed
their meaning (some of them altogether) since it was written; with its many
italic words, put in to make it like English; with its want of uniformity as to
the use of the same word in English for the same word in the original (this
last because of the king’s order, and with the view of showing the largeness of
the English vocabulary, &c. &c.), is still (all that notwithstanding) a
precious gift from God to the English people. But if it led the way, faith
would follow on, through grace, to something better.
- George V.
Wigram, Examination of the Hebrew Bible as to the Structure and
Idiom of the Language.
Most translators, especially creationists, treat the concept of “day” and
“evening and morning” in G1as literal. This literal interpretation has
led to enormous contradictions with established science that cannot be
reconciled. The problem is in the translations and the
interpretations. The problem does not lie in the Hebrew.
If we make the effort choose the alternative Hebrew meanings of words to fit
the context, then we find that there is no contradiction with natural science.
Just as with the word yowm, the expression, evening and
morning can have a non-literal meaning. After having researched
this subject probably more than any other Bible scholar – certainly in terms of
trying to reconcile the Bible with natural history – I have concluded that this
expression, “the evening and the morning” is an idiom which describes
a phase. Thus, day 1 is phase 1, day 2 is phase 2, etc.
This is not
just idle speculation on my part. Some Hebrew scholars have suggested the
same idea:
claim yôm attached to a number (i.e., ordinal, “first, second, third,” etc.)
requires a 24-hour-day interpretation. However, Bible scholars dispute that.
For example, noted Hebrew scholar Gleason L. Archer states the ordinal
simply defines a symbolic unit of time and “serves as no real evidence for a
literal 24 hour day concept on the part of the Biblical author.” Archer
also points out that the days of creation do not bear a definite
article in Hebrew (i.e., “the first day,” “the second day,” etc.). He
states, “In Hebrew prose of this genre, the definite article was generally used
where the noun was intended to be definite... Thus they [the days of
creation] are well adapted to a sequential pattern, rather than to strictly
delimited units of time. - The Days of Creation:
A Closer Look at Scripture, by Jon W. Greene
Genesis 1 describes a sequence of phases of indeterminate length.
The idea is similar to that of sowing and reaping, or beginning a project at a
specific time and allowing the process to complete itself, like baking a
cake. The dough needs so much time to thoroughly bake before it can be
taken out of the oven, cool off, spread the frosting on, and finally serve it
to the guests. Gathering the ingredients for the dough is the beginning
of the phase. The phase ends with a decorated cake. This expression
must be seen in the light of the Hebrew expression, “go out and come in”
(Deut. 31:2 and 2 Chron. 1:10), which means “one’s daily activities,” or “one’s
daily routine.”
In the case of Moses, it literally means, “I can no
longer perform my every day duties as the leader of the children of Israel.”
Rather than take this expression, which I will call EM (acronym of “evening
and morning”), as referring to any kind of literal evening or morning, EM
must be taken to mean “beginning and ending,” or duration of a
particular phase, from its inception to its completion. Since there was
no sunlight until the fourth “day,” the first three evenings and mornings
cannot possibly be literal!
Certainly, there could not have been
a setting or rising sun, by which these terms are defined! And this
would suggest that the other seven days are not literal either. From this
perspective, the imposition of the idea of 24-hour days is completely
wrong. It was an editorial decision made by an editorial board that was
not qualified to make such decisions.
Here is a commentary that shares my views on this expression, which will
demonstrate that EM should not be taken literally.
the Hebrew word for "day," yom, can mean a period of time other than
24 hours is abundantly evident. In Genesis 2:4 we read, "In the
day that the Lord god made the earth and heavens..." (RSV). "Day"
here refers to all the creations days, whatever we believe about their length.
In fact, any student of Scripture can find at least nine meanings of yom.
(Perhaps the easiest way is to use a computerized word search.) While it does
most often refer to a 24-hour period, it is also used to mean time, today,
forever, continually, an age, a life span, and perpetuity.
Perhaps the greatest obstacle to acceptance of the six creation days as long
epochs is the "evening and morning" refrain framing each day's
creation events. In fact, I have often seen it argued in creationist literature
that this expression seals the case for a 24-hour interpretation. But
the argument simply does not hold, and the basis for my statement is the Bible
itself, not some obscure linguistic reference.
"Evening and morning" is an idiomatic expression in Semitic
languages. Like all idioms, its meaning is nonliteral but
clearly understood by native speakers. The phrase "evening and
morning" can, like yom, denote a long and indefinite period. The Old
Testament itself unambiguously uses the "evening and morning" phrase
in just such a way. In Daniel 8 we read the account of Daniel's ram and goat
vision and the interpretation given by Gabriel. The vision covers many years;
some commentators believe the time has not yet been completed. Daniel 8:26
says, "The vision of the evenings and the mornings that have been given to
you is true, but seal up the vision for it concerns the distant future"
In Hebrew manuscripts, "the evenings and mornings," is
not in the plural but in the singular, identical to the expression we find in
Genesis 1. Translated literally, the verse would read, "And
the vision of the evening and the morning that has been given
you." Here we have a clear indication from scriptural usage that
this phrase does not demand a 24-hour-day interpretation and can refer to an
indefinite epoch.
To get a complete
understanding of Genesis 1, we have to start with the concept of Yowm,
the Hebrew word translated as “day” in Genesis 1. It is true that this
word is usually meant to designate a 24-hour day, but this is
not always the case. We find that, in Scripture, the Hebrew word yowm has
exactly the same range of meanings as the English word day has.
The meanings of both words range from a 24-hour day to an unspecified length of
great age, as represented by the English words, eon and era.
While it is often difficult for the amateur to recognize the origin of English
words from the Hebrew mother tongue because the two languages seem to be so
different. However, the connection between aeon or eon and yom (Strong's yowm)
is not so difficult to understand since the sounds are very similar. Therefore,
the translation of yowm in the Genesis 1 passages to aeon is also a good
choice. We did not use this choice in the body of our discussion since eon or
aeon do not appear in the King James Versions and Strong's. - “The Days of
Each "day" of the Creation Story begins
in darkness and ends in light.
The "darkness" of each "day"
originates from the darkness/death/destruction/chaos found in Gen 1:2, which is
as a consequence of the Luciferian Rebellion and the Angel Wars, also known as
the "Gap Theory", which is not theory, but fact, provable by a deep analysis
of Scripture.
The "light" of each "day"
originates from the "Light" spoken forth by God into Lucifer's and
the fallen angel's darkness. "Let there be Light!", as God spoke
forth on Day (Age) One.
And what did God do next, after He had
"spoken" forth His Light into the darkness?
"God saw that the light was good; and God
SEPARATED the light from the darkness."
The word "separate" in this context, as
well as in the following Days (Ages), denotes JUDGMENT!
During the first Age (Day One), God JUDGED both His
Light and Lucifer's/fallen angel's darkness, and found His Light to be indeed
superior. And then He SEPARATED His Light from Lucifer's darkness.
In a sense, God then placed, from Day/Age One
through Day/Age Six - the Six Ages of Restoration - that which
had "fallen" into a "sandbox" existence, so that the
"contagion" of sin, rebellion, death, destruction, chaos would be
"contained" and could not affect/impact the unfallen 2/3rds of Creation
still loyal unto God.
This fallen 1/3 of Creation, this
"sandbox", has an "expiration date" affixed to it, as
detailed towards the end of Revelation.
In spite of all the alternate timelines and
alternate realities generated by the enemy since their initial "war in the
heavens" eons ago, they will all comes to an END at the final judgment!
when this fallen 1/3 will be judged completely!
The Seventh Day (Age) is an overarching "Age
of Grace", that has transpired over thousands of Earth years, if not
longer (millions and billions is not out of the question), but which will
transition directly into the Seventh Seal "wrath of the Lamb of God"!
This fallen 1/3 is the "realm" we exist
in. And this planet Earth is our personal Exodus from out of Egypt, the dark
kingdom by which the souls of Mankind had been held hostage and in bondage to
the dark forces.
Adam and Eve failed in their mission. Which gave
reason for the Second Adam - our literal Elder Brother Jesus, First Born of
many "begottens" who would follow in His Image and Likeness - to come
directly into this fallen 1/3 and rescue us from our fallen state.
It was and is God's will for each of us to have our
own free will. But with our own free will comes the responsibility to accept
and follow our Elder Brother - the Author and Finisher of our faith, as well as
Creator of our Predestined Eternal Destinies from the time before Creation
itself ..
or to follow the one who offers truth, but delivers
eternal lies; who offers freedom, but delivers eternal bondage; who offers
light, but delivers eternal darkness; who offers life, but delivers eternal