Of the deceived people in the end times, John 16:1
tells us, “Yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he
doeth God service.” Jesus is talking to His followers, the undeceived Church.
Those who have been deceived will participate with the Anti-Christs in killing
the innocents. How many Palestinian Christians have been killed by the Zionists
while Christian Fundamentalists applaud in the name of Jesus Christ? How many
Palestinians have been butchered by the Zionist henchmen of the false State of
Israeli just for being non-Jews? What did these innocent Palestinians ever do
to the Jews that they deserve this occupation, oppression and genocide at the
hands of the Zionists? Christian Zionists have participated in this gross crime
because they have been deceived by the Anti-Christ Zionist International into
believing that this is God’s will.
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