viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018
The Great Replacement
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance explains “the great replacement,”
Reynaud Camus’ term for the replacement of whites by non-white immigrants. Many
“progressives” want whites gone because we are an obstacle to liberal politics.
And yet, when white advocates point out what is happening, “progressives” claim
the great replacement is just a far-right conspiracy theory. Some even say they
don’t want the truth known for fear of a white backlash.
Atención! Esto es lo que planean hacer con nosotros
El Dr. John Coleman tematizó en el
libro "Conspirators' Hierarchy: the story of the Committee of 300"
las intenciones de los grupos de poder mundial con con los ciudadanos a nivel
mundial. Aunque el libro fue escrito en los 90's las escalofriantes revelaciones
de Coleman (ex-funcionario del servicio secreto británico MI6) han quedado
confirmadas en parte por la realidad y acontecimientos presentes. El futuro,
según John Coleman, no es de ningún modo, rosa.
(CR NEWS MEXICO - NOV 29, 2018) The latest coverage by Alex Backman on
the immigrant crisis in Mexico as it pertains to world UN-funded and
Mexico-supported border erasure methods with the objective of establishing a
One World Government. Immigration is being used as a soft weapon to destroy
nation states, their laws and their right to territorial sovereignty.
AMLO behind the caravan,
border migrant,
One World Government,
People without Borders,
Pueblos Sin Fronteras,
U.N. caravan border
jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018
ST-17 _ The Last Dying Words of Steve Jobs
In Simple Truth 17, we look at Apple Computer's Founder Steve Jobs and
his last words before he died. Very edifying and insightful. Holy Communion at
22 min mark.
Rev. 12:7... And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought
against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not;
neither was their place found any more in heaven.
Pacto Mundial para la Migración - Todo lo que debes saber al respecto.
El 10 de diciembre tendrá lugar en Marruecos la
firma del Pacto Mundial para la Migración, orquestado por la ONU y con
cláusulas que más que fundamentos democráticos revelan una idiosincrasia
ideológica y dictatorial. A los países que firmen se les despojará del derecho
de elegir sobre sus políticas migratorias. Averigua si tu país también esta
pensando firmar este pacto, pues países como USA, Austria, República Checa,
Dinamarca, Croacia, Polonia e Israel han enunciado su rechazo a este pacto y no
lo firmarán.
miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018
Detrás de la Caravana: Plan Kalergi en Acción
En este episodio del Podcast de Contracultura
vamos a hacer un análisis de las Caravanas que están invadiendo México y que
pretenden llegar a los Estados Unidos. También vamos a revisar el plan Kalergi
que es parte de un proceso de ingeniería social que pretende amalgamar las
distintas culturas en una nueva raza.
El Plan Kalergi,
Islamismo. cristianismo,
las caravanas invadiendo México,
multiculturalismo forzado,
Naciones Unidas,
ocultismo Babilonico
Lo que no te cuentan sobre el Che Guevara
Un video invaluable, un documento histórico,
que nos permite acercarnos a la figura de Ernesto "Che" Guevara, a
través de personas que lo conocieron de primera mano.
martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018
Especial: Pacto Mundial Migración de la ONU
Programa especial de Contracultura. Analizamos
las implicancias que tiene el Pacto Mundial para una Migración segura, regular
y ordenada de la ONU, junto a Fernando del Canal CLV. En este programa veremos:
Qué es este pacto?, En qué consiste?, Cúales son los objetivos y cómo puede
afectar a nuestros paises?
crisis migratoria mundial,
Europa islamizado,
inmigrantes islámicos,
movimientos radicales islámicos,
lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018
domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2018
ÚLTIMA HORA: migrantes rompen cerco policíaco y corren a frontera con USA
ÚLTIMA HORA: migrantes rompieron el cerco de seguridad para intentar cruzar hacia Estados Unidos, lo que provocó algunos enfrentamientos en la garita El Chaparral, en San Ysidro, California.
El Chaparral,
Invasión a México,
invasión a US,
migrantes muy cerca de frontera,
migrantes rompen en cerco fronterizo,
San Ysidro
TT-10 Matrix of Deceit
TT-10 Matrix of Deceit describes the World Order and the control system to ultimately change all true Christians into a two fold child of hell and property of Lucifer, literally there shall be no "flesh" left alive (undefiled Adamic S-DNA). An important message as we approach the final events of prophetic HIS-story.
Rev. 12:7... And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
This Teaching is based on the amazing
websites by brother Hebert
sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2018
I, and friends of mine, had channels banned
for sharing this same knowledge. I am glad you got past the censors and mass
flags and I pray it stays that way BECAUSE our people NEED real teachers such
as you all. May YAHWEH bless and protect you all.
Here are my own notes from when I woke and
saw the word clearly, I hope some may find it useful as well.
Judaism is the Antithesis of true
Christianity. It no secret, that Jews and the Ruling elite, as well as most
minorities, HATE, and mean really hate to the point of Genocide, white people.
The reason for that is starting to be learned by more and more people, but it’s
a slow process due to censorship. Myself, and others I know such as RobLeeTruth, Bellfire44, and a few
other good people had their content removed and channels banned within HOURS of
uploading what I will show here.
Sorry it’s so long, but once people know THIS everything that has and
will happen will come into focus.
According to Rev. 2:9, and 3:9, the people calling themselves "Jews"
are liars and imposters. So, who are the true covenant people? Who is it that
will really be put through a tribulation? Only whites Anglo-Saxon, Celtic,
Scandinavian, Germanic, and kindred people have fulfilled all promises and
prophecies regarding the 10 Lost tribes of Israel.
Often you hear of Jews and blacks are the most common to make a false
claim of being the covenant people, so I will compare them with each promise
and prophecy as well, so there will be no doubts.
1) Israel was to become a great nation and a company of great
nations.(Genesis 12:2; 18:18, 17:4; 35:11; 48:19) This one couldn't be any more obvious. White
Europeans fulfilled the promise given that after 2534 years from Assyrian
captivity in 758 BC, the nation of God would be born in a day (1776 adds up to
the year!) which was the Christian nation of America. This is one of few
prophecies one can calculate to a precise date.
Blacks have never produced a single great nation much less a company of
nations. And the Jewish "State of Israel" was only possible with the
support of white nations. Who is blessing whom, here? In fact, Jews have
actually fulfilled the legacy of Cain in being vagabonds and wanderers
(Gen 4:12)
2) Israel to keep the gates and ports of enemies ( Genesis 22:17,Joshua 21:43-45:) This is
something ALL white nations have done for 100s of years, and that is to set up
military bases and embassies among enemies and potential enemies to keep them
in check, whereas this is not done in return to the same degree.
3) Israel were to be seafarers, explorers, and colonizers (Genesis 28:14; 49:13; Numbers 24:7;
Deuteronomy 33:19; Judges 5:17; Psalms 2:8; 89:25) Talk about willful denial and
willful ignorance. This is one of the historical events they curse at whites
for having done, and make no secret that they think European colonialism and
exploration was, in thier eyes, evil. Yet its one of the primary prophecies
concerning the lost tribes. Then the Jews or blacks will claim to be these lost
tribes in the same breath.
4) Israel were to be a blessing to all families (nations) of the earth
(Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 28:14; Isaiah 27:6) Make a list of contributions to the
world in inovation, inventions, ect. Then, by race, go without thier
contributions for a single week. When you get to white Europeans, and have to
give up everything from refrigeration to electricity, cars to computers, you
will get this one. And thats not even touching on the many roads, hospitals,
foriegn aide (which wouldnt even be a thing if not for whites) and so forth
whites have contributed to third world nations. If we are going to be honest,
one must admit that the white race has done more for other races, then any
three races combined. EVEN going so far, as to admit others into our ethnic
nations and allowed them votes, authority positions, and even passed laws
AGAINST our own peoples interests to help lift up others. Whites participated
the least of all races in slavery, and were for a while the first and only ones
to fight for its abolishment.
5) Israel were to amass wealth and success as Farmers (Genesis 27:28; Deuteronomy 28:11; Deuteronomy 33:13, 14, 28) This is
especially true of American and Canadian white farmers. Blacks were only
farmers by force for a time, as the starving masses in Africa can attest to.
Jews have always been known through history as bankers and merchants.
6) Israel was to be God's witness and carry the word of God to all
the world (Isaiah 43:10-12, 21; 59:21; Matthew 28:19-20).For hundreds of years it was white Europeans
who spread Gods word across the Earth, mostly through Bible societies, which
printed the word in 100s of languages. And all early missionary work, and even
now 95% of missionary work to other countries has been carried forth by the
white race.
7) Israel was to be God's "battle-axe" and an undefeatable
military power (Numbers 24:8; Jeremiah 51:20-23; Isaiah 54:15-17; Micah 5:8-9). You always hear about how the
evil white man conquered this or that. When this is straight from Israelite
prophecy that Gods people would be the ones who conquered the heathen and
dominated the earth. In Genesis 1:28 God stated that his people would subdue and
conquer the heathen. Also, it was whites who stopped Attilla the Hun when no
one else could, white Crusaders who stopped the evil spread of Islam, and most
other such wars were won by Gods battle ax.
8) The descendants of Israel were to be multiplied exceedingly
(Genesis 13:16; 15:5; 17:2; 22:17; 24:60; 26:4; 28:14; 32:12). This promise most assuredly excludes the
"Jews" as being God's Chosen People. While the Black race with 1.3
billion people, the Chinese with nearly two billion, and White race with 900
million are all great in number, the Jews at only 18 million are not. When this
promise was repeated in the 8th century B.C. (Hosea 1:10) the nation of Israel
was already very nearly 18 million. Either God has failed in His promise or
today's preachers are liars regarding the Jews. Also, the fossil record shows
OTHER races have been around AT LEAST 100,000 years, but whites are a very new
race at only 7000 BC or so, so to be up in population with the OTHER older
races, fulfills this like no other race could.
9) Israel to be the first among the nations. (Gen. 27:29; 28:13; Jer. 31:7.) The way
blacks complain that white nations (or "white supremacy") rules the
world, or that America is the leading nation, as was Britian previously, makes
this one a bit ironic and kind of funny when you think about it...
10) Israel's new home country to be north-west of the country they were
driven from (Israel). Isa. 49:12; Jer. 3:18.) Europe is what you find North west of Israel.
12.) Nobody would have ever thought to build great civilizations in
places like Alaska, Norway, Siberia, Australia and other "desolate"
places that are now part of modern civilization. 12) Israel was to be blind to
its identity and be called by a new name and not known as Israel (Isaiah 62:2;
65:15; Hosea 1:9-10; Romans 11:25). God stated he would put his name on Israel
(Numbers 6:27) And through the Messiah would be known as
"Christians"(Acts 11:26).
There are people who worship God as Christians, as there is a literal
SEED of Christians. The words seed, heirs, descendants all point to this being
about faith + bloodlines or there wouldn't be such emphasis on the word seed
throughout scripture... Yes, we are wrestling NOT with flesh and blood, but
this doesn't mean flesh and blood isn't part of it.
That verse from Ephesians 2:10 is one of the many ways, white Christians
have been fooled about their origins. For 2000 years, Christian was a term for
white kingdoms and nations, and EVERY white person was called a
"Christian" by the rest of the world. Its only recently, with the
rise of the Zionist controlled churches, that this has changed. There are
also physical descriptions of Israels lost people, AND one physical description
of Christ, our blessed and eternal KING! Song of Solomon 5: 10 My beloved is
white and ruddy, chief of 10,000 Lamentations 4:7 Her Nazarites were purer then
snow, and WHITER then milk, they were more ruddy in body then ruby's, and their
polishings (shares a translated word for "eyes") were of sapphire.
Rev. 1:14-15 (Describing Christ as John saw him) His head
and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow... and his eyes were as
flames of fire. And his feet were as fine brass, as if burnt in a furnace.
1) It says head AND hair, not hair on head.
2) Why would a man in his 30s be described as having "white"
hair? There was no such word as BLONDE yet.
3) Eyes of fire= Blue eyes. Not only is the color of flame blue, but flame has
been used often to describe blue eyed people (smoldering blue eyes, for
4) People think that "feet like brass" means he was brown or
coppery, but NOTE what it says! When fine brass is burnt in a furnace it
becomes white hot. When it cools it remains white with a golden hint to it.
White people didn't "steal" the bible from the sub-Saharin Africans,
nor did we adopt it from jews, who were constantly kicked out of Europe and
were vagabonds and wanderers until the slave trade made them wealthy and
powerful. Whites embraced Christianity FIRST because it was OUR religion.
"Christ is our King, and Christianity is our race which you knew once as
Israel"- Justin Martyr, 100-160 AD, from Paragraphs of Trypho chapter 135.
Q1: Professor, in Revelation the 144,000 are the
pure blood Israelites that believe in Christ/YHVH and are alive, correct? These
are the ones that have been sealed? But who is the great multitude?
A1: it is my understanding, that the 144,000 are in
fact pure DNA from Adam that have existed since the time of Adam many of whom
have since died in the physical. It is my understanding that the great
multitude, consist of Adamic bloodlines that have mixed in with some of the
other pre-Adamic races which have not been defiled by the Serpent Seed.
The 144,000 since the beginning of Adam, are the
only elohim, royal priesthood, begotten children, and what the Scriptures call
the remnant.
The “others”, or mixed multitude, which have Adamic
blood and are not defiled by the Serpent Seed bloodlines, can be host to the
many fallen Angels which have redemptive opportunity and make up the majority
of people that we see in this world.
It continues to be important to recognize the
difference between phenotype, genotype, and spiritual DNA. The outward
expression or phenotype, can be defiled, as long as one still retains pure
Adamic blood from the Y chromosome of paternal lineage. While this vessel is
not suitable for the Elohim (my opinion – may be wrong), it is suitable for one
of the fallen angel species. In addition, there are holy angels who are
volunteers among us. They too will be Caucasian but sometimes will have
different eye colors or hair colors deviating from the blue-eyed blonde haired
pure DNA of Elohim.
As far as those that are sealed, they are sevants (a qualified sense of
subjection ) – they are
qualified to be sealed. It is my opinion only, that this represents both the
hundred 44,000 as well as those fallen angels who have gained parole
opportunity through loving the truth and serving Yahweh which includes loving
his Elohim and Christian identity. Again it is my opinion only, that we have a
merciful master Elohim who may show mercy on those who are caught in the matrix
of deceit and doing their best to serve him by obeying the commandments the
best they know how. The key issue, is rebelliousness and not willfully and
knowingly rejecting truth when they hear it. It is one thing to not understand
and another thing to reject from the heart motive of rebelliousness. I contend
that most Judeo Christians are in the rebellious category and will not
overcome. I do pray that Yahweh is merciful upon all that love him the best
they know how.
Zeph Daniels – Z is always beyond the veil and
worth hearing to grasp Real REALITY…
"the others",
Biblical prophecy,
Christian Identity,
genocide of White people,
mix multitude,
Professor Truth,
White people,
Who is Israel,
Guess who is coming to the border in support of the thousands upon
thousands of migrants that want to storm through the San Diego-Tijuana border
point of entry? Watch this report from Mexican journalist Alex Backman.
point of entry? Watch this report from Mexican journalist Alex Backman.
"People Without Borders",
AMLO´s goverment,
Caravan At Mexico Border,
invasion to Mexico from caravans,
Irineo Mujica,
support caravans,
viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018
"No sé si EE.UU. y México dejarán que 'El Chapo' cuente la verdad sobre ...
¿Cuáles son las irregularidades más impactantes
en la investigación del caso Ayotzinapa y por qué se cometió una doble
injusticia? ¿Por qué la transición política en México nunca ha llegado y qué le
espera al país con AMLO en la presidencia? ¿En qué consiste el poder de Joaquín
'El Chapo' Guzmán? En Entrevista, de RT, Anabel Hernández, periodista de
investigación mexicana que lleva más de veinte años arrojando verdad sobre su
país, nos revela estos y otros asuntos.
El juicio a 'El Chapo' se ha convertido en "un show"
Euronews ha entrevistado a la periodista de
investigación mexicana Anabel Hernández, autora del libro 'Los señores del
narco', sobre el inicio oficial del juicio contra Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán
Loera ante un tribunal de Nueva York.
Anabel Hernandez,
cartel de Sinaloa,
El Chapo Guzman,
juicio del Chapo,
ladrones de cuello blanco,
lavado de dinero,
narco gobierno en Mexico,
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018
"You Stole America from the Indians"
Jared Taylor refutes the argument that whites do not have a right to the
United States because they took the land from Indians. He points out that
Indians slaughtered each other over land long before whites arrived, but no one
says they had no right to defend territory just because they took it from
someone else. All around the world, people live on land they took from others
but--so long as they are not white--no one says they have no rights to them.
martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018
Christian Identity,
Identity 101,
pastor Eli,
pastor Steve,
Professor Truth,
So I just got done watching Dennis Wise’s The Greatest Story Never Told. I put it off for quite some time. I believe it was due to
my programming. I had a feeling it was going to be a paradigm changer for me
and I wasn’t quite prepared for it. So I finally gave it my full attention and
dug in. And so, it was. I finally learned the truth about Adolf Hitler and the
German people.
What I learned was the opposite of what I’ve been
taught, what we’ve ALL been taught, from an early age, and then pounded into
our heads on a consistent basis with Hollywood movies like Schindler’s List. Which is a movie based on
a FICTIONAL novel, yet they portray it as fact.
Notice the girl in the red dress…
The girl in the red dress…
And The Pianist.
Both movies made me cry. I felt so bad for them. Now I
know who I really should have felt bad for…
They keep the propaganda going, so as not to miss a generation. An
Israeli Minister admitted their manipulations on Democracy Now!, “We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust
and the suffering of the Jews and that justifies everything we do to the
Palestinian people.” And the German people I would add!
lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018
The Jewish Matrix- THINK OUTSIDE THE BEAST- What is the Matrix?
I know why you’re here. I know what you
have been taught, and what you’ve been believing. I know why you hardly sleep, why you feel alone, and why day after
day you sit at your computer, in front of your TV, you attend your church, you
read your bible, searching. You’re looking for Him. I know, because I was once
looking for the same thing. I was looking for an answer. I was looking for the
truth. And when He found me, He showed me that the truth has been covered with
lies. It has become a mystery. It’s the question that drives us, dear kinsman.
It’s the question that brought you here to this website. You know the question
just as I did.
What is the Matrix?
The answer is out there, brothers and sisters. It’s looking for you. And it will find you, if you want it
This is it. Let me give you one piece of advice. Be honest. Be
humble. Repent, for the Reign of Yahweh is at hand. He knows more than you can
imagine, and He knows what is on your heart and in your mind.
I imagine that right now, you’re feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm?
Tumbling down the rabbit hole? … I see it in your eyes. You have the look of
someone who accepts what you see because you are expecting to wake up.
Ironically, that’s not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, do you
believe in free will? Do you believe in Divine Influence?
Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know
something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it
your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world, with society,
with religions. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in
your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to this
Do you know what I’m talking about? … Do you want to know what it
is?… The Jewish Matrix of Deceit is everywhere. It is the Beast System of
Mystery Babylon. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see
it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can
feel it when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes. It
is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth…
That you are a slave, dear friend. Like everyone else you were born into
bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your
mind.… ve you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What
if you were unable to wake from that dream?
Have you ever had a dream, that you were so sure was real? What if
you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference
between the dream world and the real world?
You believe that society is relatively normal, that you have
freedom, that you are 'saved' because of your faith, or that life is simply
running it's course, when in fact it is the opposite and it is all an illusion.
There are many beliefs, but there is only one that is The Belief. There’s
nothing I can say that will explain it for you. You must examine it for
yourself. The Belief comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Elohiym. This
is my website, Think Outside The Beast. It’s a light in this dark and evil age.
It's a beacon of truth and a trumpet of warning. This is the main page. This is
the core where we broadcast our pirate signal and expose the Matrix.
The menu is the construct. It’s our loading program. We can load
anything from Scripture, to Word Studies. Information, slideshows, links,
articles and videos exposing what they are doing to us, training simulations,
anything you need to help you to discern the counterfeit from the real.
What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about what
you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is
simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. The world that you know
exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the
Jewish Matrix of Deceit.
You’ve been living in a dream world, my dear kinsman. This
deception is why the world is as it exists today. Yahshua Christ said'Take heed that you be not deceived'. It was the great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, and his children, which
deceiveth the whole world.
We have only bits and pieces of information but what we know for
certain is that at some point in the beginning of the creation of Adam, his
wife Eve marveled at the false magnificence of the illuminated fallen angel
Heylel, or as most people know, the Devil, and she was sexually beguiled,
giving birth to Cain. The result of an unholy union that spawned an entire race
of devils. We know that Cain struck down and killed his half-brother Abel, and
Adam's second son Seth was his replacement. And we know that it was the
prophesied enmity between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman
that would play out throughout the ages. From that time
the satanic sons of Cain would be vagabonds and wanderers, internationalists
who would be a parasitic host on the children of Adam, and it was believed that
they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the blessed
children of Jacob Israel which are numbered as the stars of the sky, as
We also know that it was Esau, the brother of Jacob, that mixed
his seed with the satanic daughters of Cain, resulting in an upgraded race of
devils with the cunning and patience to infiltrate all institutions and rewrite
the programming virtually unnoticed.
Throughout history, they have been dependent on the blood of the
Adamic race to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. The
Adamic body, which is made in the image of Elohiym, generates more
bio-electricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTUs of body heat. It
holds the DNA and Spirit of Yahweh. Combined with a form of Christianity used
to deceive and lead astray, the Jews have found all the energy they would ever
need. There are denominations, endless denominations, over 33,000 of them,
where our people are no longer taught the truth, no longer taught who we are
and Whose we are, no longer instructed in The Way, or taught that Yahweh is our
God. When we are born, we are registered as corporations, we are injected with
dangerous vaccines. We are poisoned through the air, food and water. We are
governed by these Canaanites and Edomites and the traitors of our own people.
We are oppressed by the corporations, the bankers, usury and taxes. Our minds
are polluted by relentless media propaganda, false flag events, pornography,
educational institutions, entertainment, and worthless merchandise. Our
children are abducted, sold as sex slaves and for child ritual murder
sacrifices in which the children of Cain and of Esau drink their blood for
For the longest time I wouldn’t believe it, and then I saw the
evidence with my own eyes. Watched them brainwash our people into the living
dead so that they would unwittingly continue to spread the untempered mortar of
the lies to the living. And standing there, facing the perfection of the pure
horrifying precision of the lusts of their father the Devil, I came to realize
the obviousness of the truth by the revelation which was shown to me through
Set-Apart Spirit.
What is the Jewish Matrix of Deceit?
It is Control.
The Matrix of Mystery Babylon is a beguiling generated dream world
built to keep us under control in order to change the Adamic being into a
two-fold child of hell. It is designed to remove you from your identity, your
heritage, your salvation and your God. To remove you from the protection and
blessings of your Father Yahweh Elohiym and render you unrecognizable as a true
child of the Most High so that when He returns there won't be any righteous
children left, so that the Devil can say “Where are all Your children, these
are all mine, see, they follow me. Where are the ones that follow You?”
Don’t believe it? Don't think it’s possible?
I didn’t say it would be easy, dear kinsman. I just said it would
be the truth. The Truth is always controversial.
I’m trying to free your mind, but I can only show you the door,
you are the one that has to walk through it. You have to let it all go, my
friend, fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.
The Jewish Matrix of Deceit is a system, dear Israelite. That
system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, and you look around, what
do you see? Business people, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, mothers,
fathers, children. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But
until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them
our enemy, and the enemy of Christ. These people are anti-Christ, unaware and
deceived. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be
unplugged. And many of their hearts and minds are so hopelessly dependent on
the system that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me, dear
Saint, or were you thinking about Jewish Jesus and that the descendants of Cain
and of Esau can't be reason for the world being this satanic and close to
So what are they, these Jews?
As Yahshua Christ stated Himself, 'they are the children of their father the Devil'. They can move in and out of any country still hard-wired to
their deceptive system, which is controlled by banking, which is every country
at this point and time in history. They have control over all systems that run
the world.
They had infiltrated the Israelite priesthood in the days of
Christ. Changing the laws of Moses into their own 'traditions', called Judaism,
which they've passed off as Judeo-Christianity, assuming the identity of
Israel, and using the authority they have usurped to rule over the people,
which they call goyim cattle.
They have done this all throughout history, and have been kicked
out of countries over 300 times because of their rascality, degredation and
debauchery, and they have done it again but this time on a global scale. They
have again infiltrated and corrupted from within, governments, legislation,
media, news and entertainment, the flow of information, science and medicine,
pharmaceuticals, food production, agriculture, corporations, transportation,
the education system and the 'churches'. That means that anyone we haven’t
unplugged from the Matrix is potentially an agent working with and for them.
They have weaponized everything from bread to sugar, LED lights and Smart
technologies to the very products we put on and in our bodies. Everything God
created, they have perverted.
Inside the Matrix, they are everyone and
they are no one. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding
all the doors. They are holding all the keys, which means that sooner or later,
someone is going to have to fight them. That someone is Yahshua Messiah. But
until He returns, we must overcome. We must come up out of her my
people. We must live according to the Spirit and not the flesh. We can only
survive and be preserved through this evil age if we have true knowledge and
understanding, if we walk in The Way, obey the commands and instructions given
to us by Yahweh, and we must use the Set Apart Spirit to decode the message in
which we are made alive by. To be able to discern what is truth and what is
not. What is the dream world, and what is reality.
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to
see it for yourself … This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back.
You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed
and believe whatever you want to believe. But you will die in your sins and in
your ignorance, and you will not awake from the second death.
You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how
deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I am offering is the truth, nothing
more... what happens next is up to you.
May the Divine Influence be sparked within you and lead you out of
the Jewish Matrix of Deceit.
Original source:
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