miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017


¡SÍ SE PUEDEN PREDECIR LOS TERREMOTOS! (CR NOTICIAS SEP 26 2017) Alex Backman ofrece una actualización sumamente importante sobre la sismicidad en México y el peor terremoto en su historia, mucho más peor que los que hemos vivido recientemente, y cómo, geofísicos temen otro MEGATERREMOTO DE RUPTURA TOTAL (MERUTO) no nada más en la Brecha de Guerrero sino afuera de las costas de Guerrero y Oaxaca con posibilidad de un devastador tsunami.

Misa Negra Satánica Disfrazada de Show de Moda en Londres

sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017


A NEW BEGINNING for God’s Elect and the Beginning of the End for the Predestined Damned…

… and those “counted with the Tares”

I hope you all spent the Sabbath Sept 23rd in prayer and fasting…  recall I told you what to expect BEFORE it happened.  I stated:

1. The date is the most significant date in the history of our world EVER as it is the sign (watch you tube) of the return of Jesus Christ as the Lion of Judah

2. I stated it represents The Arrival (cast down) of Lucifer and his disembodied “hosts”… Cast Down – time for their day in court before the Judge of the Universe

3. I stated prior to “The Day of The Lord” – we have entered the End Times – called the Time of Jacob’s trouble, between the 5th and 6th seal.

4. I stated while the Enemy would try to defile the date (as in 9-11 – The 1st Day)…  Father would NOT allow this date to be defiled and NOTHING OBSERVABLE would happen.

5. I stated in the unseen realms – The Final Conflict has begun.  YHVH (Father) told us by THREE Hurricanes:
IrMA (I AM) incarnated through Jose y Maria (Joseph and Mary), and now is Returning.  Earth Quakes in diverse places, wars and rumors of wars…

6. I stated Planet X also is and will be used for God’s Wrath – likely in the next 12 – 36 months.

7. I stated the Dark Side has ONE card to play – revenge against the Seed of Adam…..

For full details purchase Entangled September edition, or wait 4 weeks and I will provide a copy…

The Professor

Michael Aquino Hacía Rituales Satánicos Con Niños

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017


(CR NOTICIAS 22 SEP, 2017) Durante dos días seguidos en sus videos del Reporte Solar Sísmico y Volcánico, Alex Backman, advirtió horas antes del terremoto M5.5 entre Sinaloa y Baja California Sur sucedido el 21 de sep. 2017, ¡y tembló! Backman lo dijo el 20 Sep. 2017 aquí (https://youtu.be/Q7yeFaG7dQY?t=42m12s) y lo repite el 21 de Sep. 2017, a partir del minuto 12 con 45 segundos https://youtu.be/H5iePByAscs?t=12m45s), y lo vuelve a enfatizar en el minuto 19 con 35 segundos (https://youtu.be/H5iePByAscs?t=19m35s).

Y ahora, en plena grabación del Reporte Solar pegaron dos más terremotos afuera del Norte de California cerca de la Cascadia. Estos son claros indicadores de que va a seguir temblando y fuerte.

El maldito fraude del terremoto en México

Cuando pareciera que lo hemos visto todo, y que las cosas no se pueden poner peor en México, llegan estos malditos que salen como cucarachas y se aprovechan de los desastres naturales para ganar mucho dinero.
El pasado 11 de septiembre México sufrió el peor sismo en la historia de nuestro País. Miles de personas quedaron sin un hogar, cientos de negocios fueron destruidos y millones vivieron en carne propia, la peor experiencia de sus vidas. Pero esto no fue impedimento para que en el peor momento y aprovechándose del sufrimiento de toda esta gente, muchos llegaran para hacer crecer su fortuna.

Desde personas sin escrúpulos que piden donativos para las víctimas de Oaxaca y nunca entregan nada, hasta políticos corruptos que reciben ayuda y no se la dan a los afectados. Recibimos muchos mensajes de auxilio de gente que no estaba recibiendo nada de ayuda y nos reportaron casos de políticos que se quedaban con la mercancía.

Alex Backman volvio a predecir el terremoto de 7.1 del 19 Septiembre

"Los terremotos no se pueden predecir" dicen los medios oficiales. Alex Backman de Conciencia Radio pronosticó el terremoto de 7.1 del 19 de septiembre con el epicentro exacto en Puebla 6 días antes de que pasara a través de su reporte solar sísmico y volcánico.

Link 1 AB pronosticó el sismo del 7 S https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiQFU...

Link 2 AB pronosticó el sismo del 19s https://youtu.be/lznIdQh_lh4?t=639

Reporte de Actividad Volcánica (Sep 22 2017)

Alex Backman reporta sobre la actividad volcánica en la última semana poniéndo énfasis en la inminente erupción de un volcán en Bali, Indonesia después del M5.7 del 21 de sep, 2017. Volcanes en Kamchatka muy activos al igual que Dukono, El Reventador, Sangay, Sinabung, Sabancaya y Etna .

#Televisa Inventa a #FridaSofia para Ganar Raiting #FuerzaMexíco #Rescat...

#Televisa Inventa a #FridaSofia para Ganar Raiting #FuerzaMexíco #RescatePrimero Televisa, una de las empresas mas corruptas y rastreras de México, aprovecho la tragedia del terremoto para inventarse una mentira a nivel internacional y subir el raiting, así como los espacios publicitarios.

Varias personas identificaron a Pedro Torres productor del reality Show Big Brother Mexico, así como novelas de televisa en el lugar del sismo, portando chaleco de policía federal, lo cual deja en evidencia que todo fue un montaje de televisa. Todo se da posterior al colapso del Colegio Enrique Repsamen en Ciudad de México, donde quedaron atrapados varios niños.

Televisa utilizo esto para montar todo un reality show, con una transmisión continua de 25 horas, en donde con el nombre de Frida Sofia identificaban a una supuesta niña desaparecida, que no existía pero que en medio del dramatismo y las mentiras, sirvieron para aumentar el raiting de la televisora, con la promesa de mostrar el milagro del rescate.

La televisora señalo que la niña movió la mano entre los escombros, que le habían dado agua, pero no hay padres buscando a una Frida Sofia y nunca la televisaron. Y claro, en el desastre hubo niños afectados y niños localizados, pero en concreto el tema Frida Sofia nunca existió y fue un invento de televisa.

La verdad salio a flote gracias a las redes sociales en donde la Secretaria de Educación Publica señalo que en la base de datos del Colegio no hay ninguna alumna con el nombre de Frida Sofia y posteriormente el mismo colegio, así como los padres lo confirmaron. En ese momento Televisa corto transmisión y no volvió a hablar del caso, pues en las redes los internautas se burlaban y reprochaban a la televisora.
Hay que destacar también que diversos grupos de rescate de Europa se interesaron por el caso Frida Sofia y ofrecieron ayuda al Gobierno de Peña Nieto, ayuda que inmediatamente rechazo pues se trataba todo de un invento y harían venir a un grupo de expertos europeos que evidenciarían el montaje. Al ser el gobierno criticado por rechazar la ayuda, tuvo que aceptarla canalizándola hacia otras regiones afectadas por el sismo.

Ahora que se sabe la verdad, se confirma lo que ya muchos sabemos, que Televisa es una empresa corrupta, mentirosa y al servicio del poder, que lejos de beneficiar al pueblo Mexicano, esta para aprovecharse de el.

Momento exacto del sismo en el Colegio Enrique Rebsamen

Ingeniero Revela LA VERDAD Sobre el Colegio Enrique Rebsamen ¿Por qué se...

Ingeniero experimentado revela escalofriante verdad sobre el derrumbe del colegio Enrique Rebsamen. Estructuras huecas y mal hechas. Casas con enormes tanques de gas sobre los techos donde los niños toman clase y actos de corrupción entre autoridades delegacionales, protección civil y la SEP. Hay escuelas en las mismas o peores condiciones que son auténticos polvorines y tragedias potenciales esperando un gran sismo para venirse abajo. Esto no te lo contarán en la televisión.

jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2017

URGENTE❗ | Vienen más sismos, precaucion. - Prof.Alex Backman


“Lo predijo con 6 días de anticipación, y sucedió.” (CR NOTICIAS 19 SEP 2017) Actualización @23:32 CDMX - A las 13:14:49 tiempo local DEL DÍA 19 DE SEP, 2017, un FUERTE Y PELIGROSO TERREMOTO M7.1 sacudió la parte central de la República de México. Esto fue predicho en el TECTOMAPA del 13 de septiembre (http://concienciaradio.com/images/ale...) publicado por
Alex Backman en su sitio de concienciaradio.com/sol. Para la sorpresa de muchos, el terremoto de hoy no es una réplica en sí del M8.2 del 7 de sep., 2017, sino un terremoto independiente según el Servicio Sismológico Nacional de México. Los daños son enormes e incalculables, pero lo peor es la pérdida innecesaria de vidas humanas por no haber prestado atención a las ALERTAS SÍSMICAS que emitimos oportunamente. Se debió haber suspendido las escuelas esta semana, y ahora, vemos las consecuencias.

Nos queda lamentarnos, estar deluto, llorar a nuestros muertos y seres queridos, y a salvar las vidas humanas que siguen atrapadas debajo de toneladas de escombros muertas de miedo y gimiendo en dolor y agonía. Irónicamente el evento tuvo lugar a 32 años exactos del MEGATERREMOTO M8.1 de 1985 que también causó la pérdida de decenas de miles de vidas. La Alarma Sísmica no se disparó a tiempo porque está diseñada a avisar por terremotos en las costas de México y no en la parte central como lo es Puebla y Morelos.

Además Alex Backman denuncia públicamente que YouTube está coartando su labor periodística quitándole la rentabilidad a su canal de noticias alegando que es de carácter “controversial”. De hecho, YouTube nos recortó nuestro ingreso en un 60% éste mes, a pesar de llegar a ser tendencia nacional en 4 ocasiones durante este mes.

Así están las calles de México tras el temblor (en vivo)

Pertenezco a la generación Baby Boomer, y viví el terremoto del 85 en la ciudad de México. Mi hermana en ese tiempo fue voluntaria para rescatar cadáveres de sus compañeros de estudios de debajo de las ruinas de un hospital colapsado.
Recuerdo en ese tiempo a Jacobo Zabludosky recorrer las calles destruidas narrando la historia de los hechos con su cara seria y su estilo muy particular. Con su teléfono de la época, porque en ese tiempo no eran los celulares tan populares, ni las redes sociales, ni los blogueros, era otra época.
Ahora viendo éste vídeo, me encanta la espontaneidad de estos blogueros, haciendo un papel de periodistas, dándonos información en le momento de los hechos, me encanta su frescura y carisma y sí, estamos en otra época donde las redes sociales nos enlazan en el momento a muchos y podemos compartir imágenes, fotos, vídeos en el momento de los hechos. Esas amistades que se hacen espontáneas en ésos momentos de desastres.

Que vivan los blogueros, las redes sociales y que viva México con sus reporteros espontáneos y sus héroes anónimos!

domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2017


"Evidencias Autoatentado 11-S Expertos Hablan Claro (Falsa Bandera 9/11)" Han pasado 16 años desde aquel fatídico día de septiembre y cada vez más personas se están dando cuenta de que no han recibido toda la información sobre el 11-S que debieran. Más de 1900 arquitectos e ingenieros están marcando el camino en AE911Truth, con decenas de profesionales adicionales que se unen a ellos en este documental arriesgando sus carreras en su demanda para una nueva investigación independiente. Arquitectos de rascacielos, ingenieros estructurales, científicos, físicos, químicos, investigadores, educadores, bomberos, ingenieros de fuego forenses y especialistas en demolición y otros han elaborado una evaluación científica pionera de los eventos en el World Trade Center.

sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2017

Political Christians

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift

An excerpt from the original sermon in July 25th, 1965

They ask me to speak at a service club a few days ago. And they said, Dr.Swift, we know that you can speak on a large area of subjects, such as economic factors and other things. But we would like for you to come to speak on a non-controversial subject.
I said: 'I do not have time.’ They said but what do you have to do? I said, I would rather go fishing than speak on a non-controversial subject. And they said, but we think it would be to your advantage to come and meet these people. I said, what makes you think I would want to speak to a group of people about a subject that has no controversy in it? The Most High God comes down and says: "I have a controversy with the nations and with men." How then could his ministers not have a controversy?

You show me ministers without a controversy and I will show you men who do not belong in the pulpit.

Whether you know it or not, your race has been at war ever since it arrived. You may have some risks from time to time, but you also had to have walled cities and to be on guard, you have had to battle. But I want you to know that none of these things separated us from God. After all he used Michael the Archangel to throw Lucifer out of the heavens. This was
a great celestial battle that carried more areas of space than anything which ever happened. Read the 12th chapter of Revelation. Go read the background of the writings of the Old Testament. Read the background of contemporary literature, of men like Enoch. And go into the ancient Zohar. And pick up the test of other people of earth. Find out what was written in the writings from ancient India, and ancient China. And they will tell you about battles in space, and struggles between forces, and then their acceptance of the Dragon, the Serpent God. But it was a great God above him who threw him out of the heavens. YAHWEH the eternal.

Some people say, don't you mean Jehovah? There was never such a word as Jehovah, until about the tenth century, and then it was coined by some people who made it a composite word, and put a ‘J’ to it. But YAHWEH is an old word, and Eternal word, and the name of the Father. And in the Hebrew-Aramaic from which your own Anglo-Saxon comes the Eternal  YAHWEH who is YAHSHUA, and the word YAHSHUA meaning GOD THE SAVIOR. For he says in the writings of Isaiah: "I am thy YAHWEH, who is YAHSHUA. And beside me there is none else." He said: “I am thy savoir, I am thy God, I am the Holy one of Israel.” And when the virgin Mary was told by the Angel Gabriel that she would have a child, who would be this embodiment of God. And he was to be YAHSHUA, AND HE WOULD SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS, or their errors or transgressions. For they are here to build his kingdom and HE is going to sit upon the throne of his father David.

There are some people who say, so you believe that this white race has a super quality? Do you believe this race has a supremacy, that it is better than other races on the face of the earth? I believe this with all my heart.

Now; I have great compassion for people who have had bad times, or are victims of catastrophe. I can be some what compassionate upon them because they are victims since their forefathers did not have anything. But I want you to know that the reason people are poor is that they do not produce anything. The reason why we have most poverty is because of not having the capacity to produce. Because you were not smart enough to keep those our of your country who would come in an bilk you. 

I point out to you that there will never be a way to free Africa or Asia until you free their minds from those Satanic Witchdoctors which control.

There is not one word in the official papers of the United States Government about the separation of church and state, until we came to this prudent generation. Because, the area of authority was that there should be no state church. No individual denomination, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic that should become the official church, and dominate the whole society based on their own interpretation which they might carry. But there was nothing designed that said that the church, this great living institution, which crossed all denominations would not have the ability by constitutional rights to influence the course and structure of our nation. If the church does not influence America then the devil will.

People who reside here and are not Christians and who would not like that?’ So I said, "Well then, what did they come here for?" I said, 'I assume that you are speaking out of some personal relationship to this problem? Where were you born?’ He said, 'I was born here. And my parents were from eastern Europe.’ So then I said, 'let me ask you a question. Were your mother and father Christians?' And he replied, 'I should say not'. So I asked, 'Are you a Christian?' And he replied, 'I should say not.' So I said, ‘were your great grandfathers and mothers Christian?' And he said, 'No they were not'. So then I asked, 'Then why did they come to a nation which was known to be predominately Christian? Why did they come?' So he said, 'We came here because there was supposed to be greater freedom and opportunity'. But, my friends, this was under a Christian government.

Someone said, But Dr. swift, is this American? It is just as American as1776; just as American. I have as much right and far greater authority, to advocate the total segregation of races and religion, and the establishment of this nation in the hands of a great Christian majority, than the President has tonight to talk about the elimination of immigration. I not only have behind me the whole pattern of our nation up to this fatal day, but I also have before me the advocacy of the Most High God for almost 2000 years of a Christian destiny. And almost 5000 years of a Patriarchal destiny, and directory. So as a minister of God, I will proclaim his word whether it agrees with the President or not. Nor will I declare that we must now stop in this society the declaration of maintaining the will of God.

Some speak out and say that the church must not speak out for when it does, it runs contrary to those who have been selected to lead our nation. I am going to tell you something, most of the people who voted for Mr. Johnson, did not vote for him to turn us over to the rest of the world and take our property to support those who do not work, and give special privileges to the minority. He was not elected for that. If the people had known that he was going to act like this then there would be a different president there tonight. Now; I point this out to you. The kingdom of God is political, it is spiritual, it is divinely ordained, and it is tomorrow’s orders. It is in the essence of today’s orders, and it is in the great synthesis of God's measurers.

The kingdom of God is political, the most dynamic institution, which give instructions to people on morals, on ethics, on divine law and responsibility. In the new order which follows the consummation of God and the atonement, to lift the guilt complex from men and set them free.

And to let them stand as tall sons and daughters before HIM. Was to call out a people for His name, the Ecclesia of coming from the Greek meaning from the spiritual centre of the kingdom in this new era which we call the New Testament day. Thus the word Ecclesia is to ‘call out His church, this assembly. For he said to Peter: "Who do you say that  I am?" And Peter replied, "Thou art the Christ, the embodiment of God.” And then Jesus said: "Thou art Peter, the little rock, and upon the foundation of this faith I will build my church and all of the perdition wil not prevail against it.” We are in a battle for survival. We are in a struggle, and we have been send down here to triumph. And God will enter the battle to see that we do. Someone said, but we are outnumbered. Well that is find that will make a bigger victory. That shows a bigger miracle.

I am going to tell you something. You are not outnumbered in intelligence and in brains. You can throw all of the Africans, and all of the Asians into the picture and they still would not come up to the Anglo- Saxon and Scandinavian, Germanic, Lombard mind. They would not match your technological superiority unless the 'Smoos' ran over there with your secrets, after they stole them from your laboratories.

I am going to tell you something tonight. We better battle Communism, and put in containment those who would steal our secrets rather than to run around trying to find the patriots who are getting ready to protect themselves. There is a few surprises that materialists do not understand.

And I am going to gather all of the nations of the earth, and I am going to segregate them, as a man separates sheep from goats. And I am going to say to these Sheep nations, the white Christian nations, rule this earth with righteousness and justice like a rod of iron.” This will bring justice and a law of righteousness. ‘Remember that I have planned this for you, oh, little flock, from before the foundation of the world.’ So you don't think That God ever makes decisions?

Now; I want to site to you that since the kingdom is political. Since this means intentionally a reign, then lets see if this means here on earth. Someone said, But He said, My kingdom is not of this world. No he said, MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS ERA. This a difference in translation. The total coming in of the kingdom of Christ was not going to be in the era of his crucifixion. It would be an era of triumphant success several millenniums ahead of that time. When he would return to rule.

Listen to what it says here: 'He hath made us kings and priests and we are going to rule on the earth.' Isn't that government and politics? Thus the politics of God is that the highest expression is of his Christian embodied household. And he says that they are going to reign.
Now; listen. I want you to know that you cannot be a good Christian and bypass the areas of earth in which you have been assigned. You cannot be a good Christian and then let the Administration and the machinery, and the tools of the machinery that bring about good government pass into the hands of your enemies. This machinery and these tools are what we call politics today. And if you say, oh, we do not want to touch politics because it is too dirty. Well if you don't want dirty politics then move in as Christians and occupy.

Someone said, but the church should not talk about politics. I just wish you could see all of the mail that comes across my desk. I would like to have you see how the National Council of Churches is trying to get us to support communist Martin Luther King. I would like for you to see how government programs want you to push this and push that government project. They want us to push the Peace Corps, and the property program, and they want us to push a program in the United Nations, and they want us to push a world United Nations day of prayer.

Now listen. Jesus went in and he cast them out of the temple, and then he overthrew the tables of the money changers. And HE said, my house shall be called a 'house of prayer' and you have made it a den of thieves and murderers. He didn't go down there and say, gentlemen, I plead with you to resist the sins of your past. He just made up a good old scourge and went in there and scattered them. I tell you this, if you are ever whipped by God then you will be whipped. There are a lot of people who need this kind of whipping to come to their senses.

Now; listen. I point out to you that God stepped into these areas of affairs. And I point out to you that when he gave inspiration to his Apostles, he called on them to participate in the structure of their society, in their schools and their homes. For he calls these people, 'My house'. He said (II John) that many deceivers had come into the world. And what is a deceiver but an anti-Christ. Those who deny that Jesus the Christ came in the flesh. And since you are a Christian society then you do not accept a deceiver, so you send them packing. You don't put them in power, or in the Supreme Court. You don't even send them over to the United Nations, for they are pro-Communists and could not represent you any how.

This is what God said: 'Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what fellowship is there with unrighteousness. And what communion is there with darkness? What agreement hath the temple of God with idols. You are the temple of God, you are God's child, this is his temple, and all of these bodies of the pagans their bodies have been the temples of idols. In the New Testament, he says, Come out from among them and be separate.

Let’s pray that we can take this blight out of our nation and put everything back in proper order.
End of message.

viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

América´s So Great A Salvation

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift

An excerpt from the original sermon in October 7th, 1963

We use that word sin and a lot of people do not like that word, for it is an
ugly little word, and they like to substitute error in its place. But we are
still going to use the word sin as well as the word error because this is
simply thinking wrong and acting wrong. For when you think wrong and
act wrong, then the results, my friends, is catastrophe.

The Apostle Paul said therefore, that we have heard these words and we have heard words spoken by the very mouth of God. Therefore, how can we escape for this disobedience of the law which reality will bring. How can we neglect these words? In of the law which reality will bring. How can we neglect these words? In other words, if we do not follow these directions that God has given us, if we violate the social laws of God and we mongrelise our race, we will violate the spiritual capacities which this race has and which it can produce. 
The great and tremendous development of the West and of Christian civilization have been of course, the by product of a race, a spiritual household which God begat in the spirit and placed in the earth through the Adamic house.

This is the reason why in the Old Testament and in the New Testament as well, so carefully is listed the foundational laws granted your race by the Grace of God. That you understanding these laws would not have to, by private error, bring catastrophe upon your society. HE ordered that you do not violate that race; that you do not take another people and thrust them into the centre of your social order; or marry your sons and daughters to their sons and daughters. Do not set them up as teachers over your children. And do not give them positions in government of your nations, for you are the children of the Living God. You are a race of HIS own begetting. You are a household that HE sent into the earth. And with these other trees of knowledge of good and evil, you were forbidden to participate with, or to join yourselves to.

It is one thing to talk about the food trees of Genesis where all of the trees were planted and you were given to eat of the fruit of these trees. But when it came to the racial trees of the other societies of earth, it was not given for you to partake. This was not what you were placed here for.
This would bring catastrophe upon your society. Thus, there were social laws given, first spoken and given to Adam and Eve. Then brought down through Seth and through Noah. And then re-interred to Moses on Mount Sinai and then woven so carefully into the Law. These are words which came out of the mouth of God. And thus it happened. Great spiritual vision was lost and deterioration happened among all people who violated…

Possibly there is nothing more important for us to understand that all of the progress and all of the development of the western world with its culture has come out of the obedience and guidance of the principals of Divine law. And the spiritual implication upon the race that obeyed was in the race of HIS household where we find the great solid existing Church. The Church being the spiritual centre of God's kingdom shall be found where the great White Western nations exist. Specifically, we do not say that the church is Asiatic or is in Africa.

We may find missionary outposts there, but when you look for the church of Jesus Christ, you are going to find it among White nations, and among people moved by the Spirit. And you will find it losing its influence among those people who become mongrelised and losing its vision.

The great conspiracy of Lucifer is to try to mongrelise the race and destroy the spiritual receptivity of your household. It is also to try to change your responsibility to God's law to an irresponsibility to God's law. HE would like for you to revolt against God's law and accept world law in its place.
It is an established fact that if you neglect so great a salvation, which is every word which came out of the mouth of God, that the time has come in this society when we make this identification that there is nothing more vital for us than that we affirm that we are Christians and that we recognize Jesus the Christ. And we don't care whether the Jews or any other refugee who comes into this country like it or not. We are going to pray in our schools and we are going to pray in our capital and we are going to pray “UNTO OUR FATHER.” 

The very day we let these Satanic forces take this course, and also this Satanic guided leadership to remove from our national life the identity of our Father's name and our identity to Him, and so influence our testimony and our witness that we start to blot out of our national life, this identify with God, then, my friends, you have destroyed the very root of your salvation. Therefore, it becomes more important to us that you serve God more than man. And we call for a 100% rebellion against any national or Federal or State institution that would seek to keep people from praying and recognizing God anywhere.

We point out to you something that is quite evident in our time. That if Africa or Asia had the initiative or the capacity and were equal with you as individuals, they would not need to apply to you for anything. If, my friends, these people were your equals, they would not need Socialism to raise their status. If they were your equals, their schools would be adequate. Their teachers would be satisfactory and their own initiative would create and carve out the only things which are essential for them.

It is that lack of equality, based on that ingredient, that lack of capacity to respond, that today creates the vast distinction between White Christian people and all of the other kinds of people upon the face of the earth.

Now this is not hatred. This is spiritual guidance born of clear thinking and clear reason. And because of this, if you think, and if you accept the basis of truth, if you identify yourself with your Father, your LORD and your Master, you are going to have the same enemies that HE had, because they want to obstruct the same Truth that HE taught. These become quite obvious in our time. We tell you and we will challenge anyone, for these are not my words, they are the words of the Father who has called you to come out from among them and be ye separate or segregated, and touch not the unclean things. Why? Because HE says, “I want to continue to be a Father unto you and to your generations after you. And how can I do that if you are mongrelised and have destroyed your capacity of vision. I am not playing stepfather to any of Satan's children.” God made this clear. “I want to continue to be a Father unto you, and that requires that you preserve the seed of the family.

So what we point out to you is that in that former time it was designed by our founding fathers that we would preserve this great Christian heritage and continue to recognize it. We point out to you that what has been happening in the last few weeks is because we have been neglecting the great areas of truth that God has given us, and we are neglecting America's so great a salvation, that we must live under the proper and guidance of Divine law, not the emotionally disturbed mind which intends to take over the world. The Constitution of the United States is still one of the great documents of Christian developments.

I point out something which I want you to remember, for it is related to this revolution. The revolution as you know, was designed to upset the Constitution and place outlawism in place of it, anti-Christ laws and devil worship from people all over the world. But you White Christian nation, only 1/6 of the worlds population, you better abide by your own laws and come out from among them and be separate and distinct. In this instance, they were trying to put over the United Nations principals in the United States processes of law. The design in the first place, was to create a great upheaval over the treatment of minorities in this country. I do not think that minorities have very much to cry about here in America, for they are better off here than in any other place in the world. If they were not better off here, we would not have as many of these undesirables coming into this country to begin with. And they understand that as well. And then having arrived, then instead of leaving the symbol and the shape of America as they found it, they seek to destroy it with their conspiratorial design.

When press and newspapers go silent in face of these injustices, when America is to decide what they are for and against, then there remains one institution in America that has the courage to present the truth. That is the Church of Jesus Christ. Because this is a religious matter and this is our business.

And its neglect is to neglect so great a salvation that has arrived out of spiritual vision, out of the laws of righteousness, as they have been incorporated in the foundation structure of our government.

So when we talk about the soul, then the soul is all that makes up your life, your remembrance. It is your being. And this soul grows to a great magnitude when it listens to every word which came out of the mouth of God. When it directs the physical consciousness and the utilization of the brain by its percussions and its decisions to direct the processes of Divine law, and to change and to capture the environment that it is in until it complies with Divine law, then and only then a nation and individuals become strong.

Thus, it is that you have something else besides this soul, and that is this incorruptible spiritual seed which is the spirit, the celestial seed, the being begotten by the Father before the world was framed. That spirit is with you. It coexists with you. For you are spirit, soul and body. Spiritually guided, the soul therefore, activates the brain to do that which is right. For this cause we know that God can activate the spiritual forces of your celestial being until HIS still small voice becomes a thunder like a mighty waterfall. Until the soul begins to grow strong and powerful, until the brain begins to activate it, and people on their feet start to discharge the orders of the Most High God. And this can come to pass in the twinkling of an eye.

Now I want you to know again, as we say how can America neglect so great a salvation, for America’s salvation lies in our Constitution, in our culture and in faith and in the laws of God, lies in the identity of God, as master of our nation, which our Congress has placed in this our flag, and has now declared that this nation is now under God. Not, my friends, under any potential Kennedy or under any other human, but under God forever. Yes. And we tell you that the great spiritual development which will eventually descend upon this nation is going to come with great impact as people wake up out of their sleep and recognize and realize that the troubles upon them have come because they did not pay heed to SO GREAT A SALVATION. Which were the words which HE spake unto us. We do not have the time to speak unto you all of the words that Jesus spake unto you. But each one of these issues speak of your spirit, your culture and built around this centre, "OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN" and have the background of ability and race bringing this great development from one end of the earth to the other.

Today we look out over the nations of the world and they are in trouble. They are being directed by the powers of evil. Their design is to end the kingdom. But this kingdom is to endure forever and the spiritual centre of it is the Church. And it shall became a flaming oracle of Truth in these last days. Thus, we say, “tell it, tell it.” For this Truth makes you free. End of message.

If you die today will you go to heaven? the Bible NEVER says this!

Couple of questions to professor Truth:

Question.- Can I ask if Luke 16:19 (the parable of the beggar Lazarus and the rich man) is what you are referring to when you mention a spiritual holding area?  There is a great gulf (chasm) separating those in "Abraham's bosom (Lazarus) from those in "hell" (rich man) which cannot be crossed by either groups.

Also interesting is that when Lazarus dies he is carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom. Whereas the rich man is buried and ends up in hell and in torment.    

 Answer.-  Anthony Patch and the ALPHA Team are the only TRUTH on the planet that is unadulterated and does not have “the love of mammon” as the motive… THE ONLY ONE on the entire planet!

Yes, God has hidden His diamonds of Truth for His Elect to find.  “Saints” – “believing progeny of YHWH”…  I got the Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Lexicon – Pastor Eli told me you had to get the Gesenius version which the “usual suspects” did not tamper with as much…  PROGENY!!!

I do not know ANY other teachers who have BOTH Christian Identity AND “Angelfall” (hope for some others)….  NONE…on the entire planet teach TRUTH undefiled – NONE – so sad…  most are Scofield (a Jew) Dispensationalists (a damnable heresy)…taught (and forced upon) all Theological schools by the J’s…. 

We have a J bird writing a Bible…who in other books blaspheme Jesus Christ, and then his blasphemous anti-christ bible is what 98% of all of today’s apostate churches use or the pastors used in school… and we wonder why God WILL judge us!  Just doing what the majority of OT bloodline of Jacob did also – followed other “gods”…the unpardonable sin!!! (1st John 5).  God preserves a remnant!

Today’s church says “if you die today will you go to heaven?”… did it occur the Bible NEVER says this!  We enter the Kingdom (not heaven) – The Kingdom is IN US and we manifest as the son’s and daughters of God IN THE KINGDOM – we don’t go to heaven…   Now there are many dimensions and we will have access to them but the KINGDOM is IN US….  Jesus Christ is IN US!

Enoch describes the chambers for the righteous, damned and sinners…  again not a heaven, and not a hell but a Sheol – spiritual holding area (like a hell) pending the revealing of THE KINGDOM!  A NEW HEAVEN, NEW EARTH, NEW JERUSALEM… HERE…Retranslated like silver is purged of the dross..…   Technically we exit an inversion in quantum space…  what we call dark matter is actually Light! And we are in dark light “Simulation” now….

Question.-  I agree that the Bible does not teach that when a righteous person dies he goes to heaven, they are transferred to the bosom of Abraham or to a place of torment as seen in Luke 16:19. On the other hand there are also verses that seem to indicate that the dead are not consensual, in the NT it is said that the dead sleeps ... What does this mean? Are the dead in a conscious or unconscious state? 

Ecclesiastes 9: 5-6 5 For those who live know that they must die; but the dead [4191 “to die”] know nothing, nor have any more pay; because his memory is forgotten.
6 And his love and hatred and envy have already perished; and they will never have any part in all that is done under the sun.

Psalms 115: 17 The dead [ 4191]  do not praise the LORD, neither do any of them that go down into silence.

John 11:11  When he had said this, he said to them, "Our friend Lazarus sleeps [ 2837 “to put to sleep” ] ; but I go to wake him up.

Acts 7: 59-60 And they stoned Stephen, while he invoked and said, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. 60 And he fell on his knees, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, do not take this sin into account. And having said this, he slept. [ 2837 ].

Answer.- Well done A – I am impressed that you have dug deep into the Scriptures….  This is an excellent question.

Q: What does it mean that the dead sleep?  Are the dead in conscious or unconscious state?

A1. There are different words in the OT and NT – I put the Strong’s numbers next to them in your questions below.  Jesus said let the dead bury the dead… so in this context it means without the Holy Spirit IN THEM (Holy of Holies) spiritually dead – born from below.  Later in Ecclesiastes it literally means physically dead…  AND spiritually dead….  Psalms 115 is the most telling – it means those who die without the Holy Spirit…  Note however for Lazarus and Stephen a NEW word is used “Sleep”…. This is NOT DEAD!....

A2. As far as a consciousness – this is my understanding….   The Bible says The Blood of Abel cries out…  LIFE or SPIRIT is in the Blood and is the eternal part…. Pneuma -  The Soul /Mind/Consciousness or Self Awareness of individuality sleeps…or like if you ever had an operation… I did not die, but I have no memory of where I was for 7 hours….  

That is “Soul Sleep”…  the Spirit still has awareness!!! – but is tied to the soul by a “silver cord”  - just as we had a memory wipe when sent here… the soul will awaken and not remember – but the Spirit will!.  The silver cord is your “life line” to God…. If it were severed both your soul would die and your spirit would go to wherever it was destined to go… STILL with awareness of being…  This is tricky – I always teach Spirit-Soul “Matrix”…  they really are part of YOU and not separate… like mind-body-spirit THREE are ONE.…  I do not like to separate the word “soul” from “spirit”.   Living spirit is soul!... dead spirit is no soul….soul-less.  LIVING = Breath of Life = Jesus Christ = Spirt-Soul….

So earlier I mentioned some do not have souls…  let me be clear – There are Born from Above (angels and Begotten) ALL have Living Spirits (souls – but different spirit KINDS).  There are born from below (hybrids/Tares/clones/synthetics/replicants…)  all have DEAD spirits or NO souls…. But are animated by the spirit of the air (Lucifer)….and hive minded (artificial soul/mind).  Then there is all creation like rocks and fish – they have spirits – which can be thought of as God holding all things together and the “energy” of LIGHT “photons” holding all matter intact….  That LIGHT in a Rock or Fish is still a KIND of “spirit”…  (Life Energy).  Without spirit one is twice dead!

In the Old Testament “soul” is: 5315נֶפֶשׁ nephesh, neh´-fesh; from 5314; properly, a breathing creature, 

In the New Testament “soul” is: 5590ψυχή psuche, psoo-khay´; from 5594; breath, i.e. (by implication) spirit,

– this was a very good question…  To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord – ONLY for the born from above LIVING!

Also remember the radio talk show host who was saying his jesus does not judge!  Well his jesus is another jesus!  -  Look at 2Cor 5.10/11!

2Cor. 5:1   For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: 3 If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. 4 For we that are in thistabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. 5 Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit. 6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: 7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.
The professor

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