sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2017

Political Christians

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift

An excerpt from the original sermon in July 25th, 1965

They ask me to speak at a service club a few days ago. And they said, Dr.Swift, we know that you can speak on a large area of subjects, such as economic factors and other things. But we would like for you to come to speak on a non-controversial subject.
I said: 'I do not have time.’ They said but what do you have to do? I said, I would rather go fishing than speak on a non-controversial subject. And they said, but we think it would be to your advantage to come and meet these people. I said, what makes you think I would want to speak to a group of people about a subject that has no controversy in it? The Most High God comes down and says: "I have a controversy with the nations and with men." How then could his ministers not have a controversy?

You show me ministers without a controversy and I will show you men who do not belong in the pulpit.

Whether you know it or not, your race has been at war ever since it arrived. You may have some risks from time to time, but you also had to have walled cities and to be on guard, you have had to battle. But I want you to know that none of these things separated us from God. After all he used Michael the Archangel to throw Lucifer out of the heavens. This was
a great celestial battle that carried more areas of space than anything which ever happened. Read the 12th chapter of Revelation. Go read the background of the writings of the Old Testament. Read the background of contemporary literature, of men like Enoch. And go into the ancient Zohar. And pick up the test of other people of earth. Find out what was written in the writings from ancient India, and ancient China. And they will tell you about battles in space, and struggles between forces, and then their acceptance of the Dragon, the Serpent God. But it was a great God above him who threw him out of the heavens. YAHWEH the eternal.

Some people say, don't you mean Jehovah? There was never such a word as Jehovah, until about the tenth century, and then it was coined by some people who made it a composite word, and put a ‘J’ to it. But YAHWEH is an old word, and Eternal word, and the name of the Father. And in the Hebrew-Aramaic from which your own Anglo-Saxon comes the Eternal  YAHWEH who is YAHSHUA, and the word YAHSHUA meaning GOD THE SAVIOR. For he says in the writings of Isaiah: "I am thy YAHWEH, who is YAHSHUA. And beside me there is none else." He said: “I am thy savoir, I am thy God, I am the Holy one of Israel.” And when the virgin Mary was told by the Angel Gabriel that she would have a child, who would be this embodiment of God. And he was to be YAHSHUA, AND HE WOULD SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS, or their errors or transgressions. For they are here to build his kingdom and HE is going to sit upon the throne of his father David.

There are some people who say, so you believe that this white race has a super quality? Do you believe this race has a supremacy, that it is better than other races on the face of the earth? I believe this with all my heart.

Now; I have great compassion for people who have had bad times, or are victims of catastrophe. I can be some what compassionate upon them because they are victims since their forefathers did not have anything. But I want you to know that the reason people are poor is that they do not produce anything. The reason why we have most poverty is because of not having the capacity to produce. Because you were not smart enough to keep those our of your country who would come in an bilk you. 

I point out to you that there will never be a way to free Africa or Asia until you free their minds from those Satanic Witchdoctors which control.

There is not one word in the official papers of the United States Government about the separation of church and state, until we came to this prudent generation. Because, the area of authority was that there should be no state church. No individual denomination, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic that should become the official church, and dominate the whole society based on their own interpretation which they might carry. But there was nothing designed that said that the church, this great living institution, which crossed all denominations would not have the ability by constitutional rights to influence the course and structure of our nation. If the church does not influence America then the devil will.

People who reside here and are not Christians and who would not like that?’ So I said, "Well then, what did they come here for?" I said, 'I assume that you are speaking out of some personal relationship to this problem? Where were you born?’ He said, 'I was born here. And my parents were from eastern Europe.’ So then I said, 'let me ask you a question. Were your mother and father Christians?' And he replied, 'I should say not'. So I asked, 'Are you a Christian?' And he replied, 'I should say not.' So I said, ‘were your great grandfathers and mothers Christian?' And he said, 'No they were not'. So then I asked, 'Then why did they come to a nation which was known to be predominately Christian? Why did they come?' So he said, 'We came here because there was supposed to be greater freedom and opportunity'. But, my friends, this was under a Christian government.

Someone said, But Dr. swift, is this American? It is just as American as1776; just as American. I have as much right and far greater authority, to advocate the total segregation of races and religion, and the establishment of this nation in the hands of a great Christian majority, than the President has tonight to talk about the elimination of immigration. I not only have behind me the whole pattern of our nation up to this fatal day, but I also have before me the advocacy of the Most High God for almost 2000 years of a Christian destiny. And almost 5000 years of a Patriarchal destiny, and directory. So as a minister of God, I will proclaim his word whether it agrees with the President or not. Nor will I declare that we must now stop in this society the declaration of maintaining the will of God.

Some speak out and say that the church must not speak out for when it does, it runs contrary to those who have been selected to lead our nation. I am going to tell you something, most of the people who voted for Mr. Johnson, did not vote for him to turn us over to the rest of the world and take our property to support those who do not work, and give special privileges to the minority. He was not elected for that. If the people had known that he was going to act like this then there would be a different president there tonight. Now; I point this out to you. The kingdom of God is political, it is spiritual, it is divinely ordained, and it is tomorrow’s orders. It is in the essence of today’s orders, and it is in the great synthesis of God's measurers.

The kingdom of God is political, the most dynamic institution, which give instructions to people on morals, on ethics, on divine law and responsibility. In the new order which follows the consummation of God and the atonement, to lift the guilt complex from men and set them free.

And to let them stand as tall sons and daughters before HIM. Was to call out a people for His name, the Ecclesia of coming from the Greek meaning from the spiritual centre of the kingdom in this new era which we call the New Testament day. Thus the word Ecclesia is to ‘call out His church, this assembly. For he said to Peter: "Who do you say that  I am?" And Peter replied, "Thou art the Christ, the embodiment of God.” And then Jesus said: "Thou art Peter, the little rock, and upon the foundation of this faith I will build my church and all of the perdition wil not prevail against it.” We are in a battle for survival. We are in a struggle, and we have been send down here to triumph. And God will enter the battle to see that we do. Someone said, but we are outnumbered. Well that is find that will make a bigger victory. That shows a bigger miracle.

I am going to tell you something. You are not outnumbered in intelligence and in brains. You can throw all of the Africans, and all of the Asians into the picture and they still would not come up to the Anglo- Saxon and Scandinavian, Germanic, Lombard mind. They would not match your technological superiority unless the 'Smoos' ran over there with your secrets, after they stole them from your laboratories.

I am going to tell you something tonight. We better battle Communism, and put in containment those who would steal our secrets rather than to run around trying to find the patriots who are getting ready to protect themselves. There is a few surprises that materialists do not understand.

And I am going to gather all of the nations of the earth, and I am going to segregate them, as a man separates sheep from goats. And I am going to say to these Sheep nations, the white Christian nations, rule this earth with righteousness and justice like a rod of iron.” This will bring justice and a law of righteousness. ‘Remember that I have planned this for you, oh, little flock, from before the foundation of the world.’ So you don't think That God ever makes decisions?

Now; I want to site to you that since the kingdom is political. Since this means intentionally a reign, then lets see if this means here on earth. Someone said, But He said, My kingdom is not of this world. No he said, MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS ERA. This a difference in translation. The total coming in of the kingdom of Christ was not going to be in the era of his crucifixion. It would be an era of triumphant success several millenniums ahead of that time. When he would return to rule.

Listen to what it says here: 'He hath made us kings and priests and we are going to rule on the earth.' Isn't that government and politics? Thus the politics of God is that the highest expression is of his Christian embodied household. And he says that they are going to reign.
Now; listen. I want you to know that you cannot be a good Christian and bypass the areas of earth in which you have been assigned. You cannot be a good Christian and then let the Administration and the machinery, and the tools of the machinery that bring about good government pass into the hands of your enemies. This machinery and these tools are what we call politics today. And if you say, oh, we do not want to touch politics because it is too dirty. Well if you don't want dirty politics then move in as Christians and occupy.

Someone said, but the church should not talk about politics. I just wish you could see all of the mail that comes across my desk. I would like to have you see how the National Council of Churches is trying to get us to support communist Martin Luther King. I would like for you to see how government programs want you to push this and push that government project. They want us to push the Peace Corps, and the property program, and they want us to push a program in the United Nations, and they want us to push a world United Nations day of prayer.

Now listen. Jesus went in and he cast them out of the temple, and then he overthrew the tables of the money changers. And HE said, my house shall be called a 'house of prayer' and you have made it a den of thieves and murderers. He didn't go down there and say, gentlemen, I plead with you to resist the sins of your past. He just made up a good old scourge and went in there and scattered them. I tell you this, if you are ever whipped by God then you will be whipped. There are a lot of people who need this kind of whipping to come to their senses.

Now; listen. I point out to you that God stepped into these areas of affairs. And I point out to you that when he gave inspiration to his Apostles, he called on them to participate in the structure of their society, in their schools and their homes. For he calls these people, 'My house'. He said (II John) that many deceivers had come into the world. And what is a deceiver but an anti-Christ. Those who deny that Jesus the Christ came in the flesh. And since you are a Christian society then you do not accept a deceiver, so you send them packing. You don't put them in power, or in the Supreme Court. You don't even send them over to the United Nations, for they are pro-Communists and could not represent you any how.

This is what God said: 'Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what fellowship is there with unrighteousness. And what communion is there with darkness? What agreement hath the temple of God with idols. You are the temple of God, you are God's child, this is his temple, and all of these bodies of the pagans their bodies have been the temples of idols. In the New Testament, he says, Come out from among them and be separate.

Let’s pray that we can take this blight out of our nation and put everything back in proper order.
End of message.

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